There are currently no events planned.
Expert panel
Rule of Law and Journalism in Myanmar
Expert Talk on the occasion of the book presentation of the "Rule of Law Handbook for Journalists in Myanmar" jointly published by KAS Myanmar and the UNDP
Cluster Development and Social Enterprises
An Integrated Approach of Regional Economic Development
Analysis of economic development strategies in rural areas
The Future of International Relations in Myanmar's Academia
A stock-taking of the discpline of International Relations in Myanmar's academia and a debate of future challenges
fully booked"Public Relations" und "Media Relations" für Parlamentarier
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Nationalitätenparlament der Republik der Union Myanmar
Dritter Workshop zur Einführung in die Grundlagen der politischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikation für Mandatsträger der nationalen Ebene
fully bookedPublic Relations and Media Relations for Parliamentarians
In Cooperation with the House of Nationalities of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Third Workshop as introduction into the basics of political PR and communication for elected representatives of the national level
Policy Analysis: Research and Training II
Initiative to strengthen the capacity for evidence-based policy analysis and decision-making in civil society organizations, especially in the states and regions of the Union
Politikanalyse: Forschung und Training II
für zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen
Initiative zum Aufbau von Kapazitäten einer faktenbasierten Politikanalyse und Entscheidungsfindung bei zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, vornehmlich in den Staaten und Regionen der Union
Expert panel
fully bookedFuture Foreign and Security Policy Challenges for Myanmar
Theme Week Security 2017 of KAS Myanmar
on personal invitation only