Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Angola vor der Wahl

Bericht zur Situation vor den Wahlen am 31. August

Am 31. August wähleen die Angolaner ein neues Parlament und damit auch einen neuen Präsidenten. Einen Bericht über die politische und gesellschaftliche Situation finden Sie hier.

Namibia Law Journal


The Namibia Law Journal (NLJ) is a joint project of the Supreme Court of Namibia, the Law Society of Namibia and the University of Namibia. The publication of a national law journal as a forum for legal practitioners and academics to comment on and discuss issues of legal importance is an indispensable tool for the development of law and the maintanance of the rule of law in Namibia.

SADC Law Journal, Vol.01, 2011

Volume 1 - 2011

KAS is proud to present the maiden edition of the SADC Law Journal, which is the first journal in southern Africa to focus on the status and development of the rule of law in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) from a regional perspective. As a forum for jurists, lawyers, judges, experts and all interested persons, the annual publication gives a legal perspective on the paradigm of regional integration and provides professional advice for jurists, politicians and decision-makers.

Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa

Yearbook Volume 10 - 2010

The Yearbook 2010 provides important information on the status and development of regional integration in the southern African subcontinent. From 2000 to date, the Yearbook was intended – and has indeed served – not only as an essential source of well-researched information for academics and politicians alike, but it also stimulates constructive debate on regional integration and its potential to propel SADC – and even the continent itself – into the future with additional impetus.

Parliament Journal - Vol.02, Issue02, 2010

Volume 9 No 1, January - April 2011

The Parliament of Namibia publishes - in partnership with KAS - three times per year the Parliament Journal.

Namibian Labour Lexicon

Volume 2 (Revised Edition) The Labour Act, 2007 A - Z

A Guide to the Understanding and Application of the Labour Act, 2007


Berichte, Analysen, Eindrücke aus der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Afrika

Mit der zweiten Ausgabe von „AfriKAS” erhalten Afrika-Interessierte und Freunde der Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung diesmal ein Werk, das neben entscheidenden Beiträgen zu Sachthemen auch politische Kurzberichte unserer Auslandsbüros enthält. Jeweils nach Ländern geordnet, werden die wichtigen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und Ereignisse im Sinne eines Almanachs skizziert und dargestellt. Mit der Kenntnis und Expertise unserer Auslandsmitarbeiter erhalten Sie somit einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Entwicklungen in Afrika.

Africa and Climate Change

Neues Paradigma und zentrale Herausforderung für die Entwicklungspolitik des 21. Jahrhunderts

The article from January 2010 and written in German describes the relevance of "Climate Change" for Africa and its central implications.

Namibia Law Journal - Vol.03, Issue 01, Jan 2011

The publication of a national law journal as a forum for legal practitioners and academics to comment on and discuss issues of legal importance is an indispensable tool for the development of law and the maintanance of the rule of law in Namibia.

Parliament Journal - Vol.08, Issue 03, Sep-Dec 2010

Vol 8 No 3 September - Dezember 2010

The Parliament of Namibia publishes - in partnership with KAS - three times per year the Parliament Journal.