Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Constitutional Democracy in Namibia - A Critical Analysis After Two Decades

A Critical Analysis After Two Decades

Two decades after Namibia’s Independence, this collective volume draws together a number of scholars of law, politics, and history, as well as active and retired politicians, and as such, offers a rich and intellectually diverse tapestry of reflective analysis and ideas on the state of constitutional democracy and jurisprudence in Namibia.

Rückschritte bei Demokratisierungsprozessen in Afrika

11. Windhuk-Dialog

Vom 30. Oktober bis 1. November 2010 fand in Namibias Hauptstadt zum elften Mal der sogenannte „Windhoek Dialogue“ statt. Die inzwischen seit 14 Jahren stattfindende internationale Konferenz stellt eine Plattform dar für Abgeordnete der Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei (EVP) im Europaparlament sowie Entscheidungsträger afrikanischer Parteien der Mitte, die sich 1996 in Windhuk zum Netzwerk „Union of African Parties for Democracy and Development (UPADD / UAPDD) zusammengeschlossen haben.

Afrika im Aufbruch

Plädoyer für eine Neuausrichtung der deutschen Afrikapolitik

Die steigende geopolitische Bedeutung Afrikas muss eine adäquate Entsprechung in einer neuen deutschen Afrikapolitik finden, die dadurch eine grundsätzliche Neuausrichtung erfährt. Dabei wird der Ausgestaltung entwicklungsfördernder Rahmenbedingungen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und Handeln in und mit Afrika größerer Stellenwert eingeräumt als der Höhe der öffentlichen Transferleistungen.

Parliament Journal - Vol.08, Issue 02, May-Aug 2010

Vol 8 No 2 May - August 2010

The Parliament of Namibia publishes - in partnership with KAS - three times per year the Parliament Journal.

Factbook Namibia

The Namibia Factbook is - like an almanach - a quarterly updated and published factbook with the most relevant facts and figures about Namibia. It informs about the current status and developments in politics, economy and society.

Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa

Yearbook Volume 9 - 2009

The Yearbook 2009 provides important information on the status and development of regional integration in the southern African subcontinent. From 2000 to date, the Yearbook was intended – and has indeed served – not only as an essential source of well-researched information for academics and politicians alike, but it also stimulates constructive debate on regional integration and its potential to propel SADC – and even the continent itself – into the future with additional impetus.

Namibia Law Journal - Vol.02, Issue 02, July 2010

The publication of a national law journal as a forum for legal practitioners and academics to comment on and discuss issues of legal importance is an indispensable tool for the development of law and the maintanance of the rule of law in Namibia.

Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Namibie

Insluitend die Eerste en Tweede Wysigings

The English and Afrikaans version includes the first amendment (1998) and the second amendment (May 2010) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia.

The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia

English and Afrikaans Version - includes first and second amendments

The English and Afrikaans version includes the first amendment (1998) and the second amendment (May 2010) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia.

Discriminatory and un-repealed legislation in Namibia - 20 years after independence

Research study of main pieces of legislation on Apartheid related statutes

The study has scrutinized main pieces of Namibian legislation, especially pre-independent but still valid statutes, containing discriminatory language and contents which seem to still propagate the ideology of Apartheid. It is therefore recommended that Parliament shall amend or repeal those.