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UN Agora Blog

KAS New York


UN Photo - Loey Felipe

On Multilateralism and Diplomacy

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

What is this multilateral system? For many students and teachers of international relations, and according to the Oxford Dictionary, multilateralism is “the principle of participation by three or more parties, especially by the governments of different countries”.

UN Photo / Manuel Elias

Preserving the values of multilateralism to promote peace and security, and human rights

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

Following the devastation of World War II, a new phase of global integration began, in which international institutions for technical, financial, and commercial cooperation developed, while trade in manufactured goods expanded. The United Nations came into being with the maintenance of international peace and security as its central mission. 


Gendered Justice: Breaking Barriers and Building Narratives - A perspective from Pakistan

International Day of Women Judges 2023

Women of Pakistan face cultural and social barriers where they are cast in a given gendered role, which is conditioned and limited. Although more women are educated now and the number of working women has increased, women do not have a fair share of representation in leadership and decision-making positions.

Antje Boetius

Diversity in science. Filling the dream gap

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

It appears especially astonishing for a wealthy country like Germany, where I am from. Despite high socio-economical investment in the academic education of women, who now make up the majority of university graduates, we seem stuck at 27% female professors, and less than 15% in top leadership positions as presidents of universities, or directors of non-university institutions. Even in the new digital disciplines and enterprises, the figures are dire – only 18% female participation in IT professions, and even less as owners of start-ups.

UN Photo / Loey Felipe

The key to eliminating gender bias is to change perceptions of women

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Women are less likely than men to occupy positions of power but also technical roles. When women are less visible, this situation can foster gender bias and gender stereotyping. It also deprives high-level decision-making and research and innovation of the female perspective.

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Inequality and the paradox of educational investment

International Day of Education

As of today, we are told by the experts that the combination of longstanding poverty, increasing inequality, wrong policies, and the impact of the pandemic, are leaving a vast majority of children in less developed countries with so little education that only three out of ten would be able to read and understand a simple text by age ten.

Eloisa Lopez / Reuters

Why the International Human Rights Day is important to the work of frontline human rights defenders

Human Rights Day 2022

International Human Rights Day is observed by the international community every year on December 10 to commemorate the day in 1948 when the United National General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

A. Preusch

The importance of multilateralism for neutral Switzerland

United Nations Day 2022

Never before has civil society been so actively engaged in global politics as today. While in Iran, the population is fighting for women’s rights following the death of Jina Mahsa Amini and causing women worldwide to cut their hair in support, climate activists are closing roads in Berlin and Geneva and occupying Black Rock headquarters in New York.


Promoting Democracy around the world: Reflecting from the United Nations

International Day of Democracy

This year, 2022 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the International Day of Democracy. In 2007 The General Assembly adopted a resolution to observe the 15th of September each year for promoting and consolidating the principles of democracy worldwide.

Back to Basics

Anniversary of the UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary

Amid attacks on judicial independence carried out by the governments of some European Union Member States, these words enshrined in the UN Principles have gained new momentum.

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Showing 11 - 20 of 29 results.

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About this series

Welcome to the UN AGORA Blog of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, New York Office. Democracy, peace and security, human rights, and the rule of law are key pillars of our work around the world.


Join us in our monthly virtual discussions and follow the international experts whom we are inviting to contribute to our UN AGORA Blog to honor specific international UN Days or to draw attention to current topics in the realm of rule of law, international justice, and peace globally.


AGORA stands for the open space, the meeting ground in ancient Greek cities for citizen activities. Homer enjoyed it, and hopefully, you will too!

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KAS New York

Thomas Tödtling

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Director KAS New York Office +1 646 852 6442