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Conflict management for Nigerian officers

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) contributed to a five day officers training (11.-15- May 2015) at NACOL in Lagos on Conflict Management.

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The Training was conducted by high ranking Army officers and the Nigerian NGO IMPACT. This way many officers are annually updated on reasons, ways and means of appropriate ways to achieve good relationships with citizens and the Media and therefore increase chances for lasting peace.

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  • Naomi Akpan-Ita

    Hildegard Behrendt-Kigozi

    Officers of the Nigerian Army during a training workshop on conflict management, supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Nigeria at the Nigerian Army College of Logistics (NACOL) from 11-15 May, 2015. KAs-Büro, Abuja.
    Naomi Akpan-Ita, head of the Nigerian NGO Impact during her speech at the training workshop on conflict management at the Nigerian Army College of Logistics (NACOL) on 11 May, 2015. Kas-Büro, Abuja.

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