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Training on Democracy, Peace Building and Conflict Management

Training for the Nigerian Military Forces

After years of a military rule, Nigeria is in its third legislative period with a more or less fair elected civil government. Together with IMPACT, the KAS support the transformation process of the military forces.

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Nigeria's unpleasant history since independence is mostly characterized by military rule and a high extent of corruption. In 1999 Nigeria returned to democracy and since the elections in 2007, the country is with its second elected president in the third continuous democratic legislature period.

As the Nigerian armed forces do not have a tendency to do new coups, they have to find a new role in the democratic system. Peace missions in Nigeria and abroad as part of missions of the African Union have already gained merit. Together with IMPACT the KAS prepares them for these missions, which have the future goal to pass conflict solutions to African nations so that German or European engagements will be unnecessary.

The expected 100 participants are higher officers of the army and the Air Force but also police and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They will discuss about current topics, like the role of the armed forces in dealing with conflicts during and after elections in Nigeria and whole Africa. After introducing lectures, they will be prepared in special trainings for practical missions at peace building and peace keeping. Traditionally, the event starts with a Democracy-Day, where the officers will be taught in civil rights.

This training is part of a series to which for example the training of the Air Force before the elections in 2007 belonged to. Numerous participants have successfully been part of peace missions.

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Dr. habil. Klaus Paehler

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