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Fourth Location for KAS Radio

“Vision Nigeria” now in Port Harcourt

KAS now broadcasts its popular radio programme "Vision Nigeria by KAS" in Port Harcourt, in the crisis region of Niger Delta. Important political education topics will be analysed by experts in the studio, and discussed with the listeners.

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The Niger Delta is Nigeria’s problem child: unbelievably rich in oil and gas, but totally poor. Political education is very important here. Hardly anybody likes to go there and hold seminars: curfew, shootouts between gangs or with the military recently deployed to the area, make all seminar plans ad absurdum. Our answer: the radio programme of KAF-Nigeria “Vision Nigeria” will be transmitted from Port Harcourt into the heart of Niger Delta.

The expert analyses topics of political education from democracy to tolerance and conflict management once a week in the studio. The listeners can ask questions by calling or sending text messages, which are then answered by the expert. The programme ends with a short quiz.

The target audience is the people of the Niger Delta, who despite the oil riches from the area are suffering. There is a concentration on the youths, who are ready to point out alternatives to embracing crime and violence.

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Port Harcourt


Dr. habil. Klaus Paehler