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Seminar and Election Monitoring of the German Federal Elections 2013

What can Nigeria learn from Germany?

Not only in Germany was the result of the German federal elections awaited. Also in Nigeria, the politically interested people waited excitedly for the results.


State of Human Rights Practice and Enforcement in FCT

The need for colloboration among stake holders

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Nigeria collaborates with the recently inaugurated Human Rights Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association to organize a workshop on ways to ensure better Human Rights practice and enforcement in the FCT.


State Laws – Adapting Federal Laws at State Level

A Workshop for the Parliaments of Cross River and Plateau States

The aim of the workshop which is targeted at members of the Cross Rivers and Plateau State Houses of Assembly, is to enable interaction and exchange of experiences between the two parliaments as well as to increase knowledge towards various matters.


Ethics, Violence and Civic Education System in Nigeria

Round-Table Seminar

The objective of this seminar is to map out why, how, when and by whom civic education can be brought to citizens to enable them understand the setting of their country and actively participate in creating a better future.


Building Moral and Strategic Leadership for Nigeria

4th Annual Leadership Lecture and Graduating Ceremony of African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development

KAS partner the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD) holds the 4th Series of its annual Leadership Lecture and Graduating ceremony.


VISION NIGERIA by KAS – Selected broadcasts for the month of March 2013

In "Vision Nigeria" a wide range of topics spanning from social issues to development policy issues is discus

"Vision Nigeria" is a one hour radio programme aired in four locations across the country; Abuja, Enugu, Kaduna and Port Harcourt.


Violence and Ethics in Electoral Processes in Nigeria

"Violence and Ethics in electoral processes in Nigeria" organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and Women Environmental Programme (WEP)


VISION NIGERIA by KAS – Projected broadcasts for the month of February 2013

KAS Nigeria has been active in its endeavour to bring about 'Democracy, Rule of Law and Prosperity' to Nigeria. In doing this, KAS operates an interactive radio programme "VISION NIGERIA" aiming to inform millions of Nigerians through the media.


VISION NIGERIA by KAS – Selected broadcasts from the month of January 2013

KAS Nigeria has been active in its endeavour to bring about 'Democracy, Rule of Law and Prosperity' to Nigeria. In doing this, KAS operates an interactive radio programme "VISION NIGERIA" aiming to inform millions of Nigerians through the media.


Empowerment of Women In Politics

Seminar organized by the KAS

Women have remained under-represented in decision making positions, despite making efforts to change the status quo. Empowering the women will bring about an improved participation in politics.

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KAS Nigeria

Tackling Security Challenges in West Africa: Embracing Coordination and Cooperation

International Conference on Security in West Africa

KAS Nigeria successfully organized a two-days high level international conference with the theme “Tackling Security Challenges in West Africa: Embracing Coordination and Cooperation”, which was held on 16 and 17 July 2019, in Abuja, Nigeria. KAS Nigeria partnered with Nigeria’s House of Representative’ Committee on Army to organize the conference with funding from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.

How Vital is Religion in the 2019 Elections in Nigeria?

Policy Dialogue for the Media and CSO

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized a one day round table meeting on “How Vital is Religion in the 2019 Elections in Nigeria?” in Abuja on September 6th, 2018, in an effort to bring CSOs and Media to interchange on ways in which elections are being affected by religion in Nigeria.

New Windhoek Dialogue

Konferenz der Mitte-Rechts-Parteien aus Afrika und Europa vor dem 5. AU-EU-Gipfel

Wie sich das Verhältnis zwischen Afrika und Europa durch die Flüchtlingskrise und den zunehmenden chinesischen Einfluss entwickelt, haben mehr als 50 Parlamentarier und Parteienvertreter aus Afrika und Europa beim New Windhoek Dialogue in der Elfenbeinküste diskutiert.

„Making Africa Work“ - Wie Afrika sich selber helfen kann

Das Handbuch „Making Africa Work“ will wirtschaftlichen und politischen Führungspersönlichkeiten in Afrika Entscheidungshilfen geben. Auf einer Tournee durch die westafrikanischen Länder Benin, der Elfenbeinküste, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso und Niger stellen die Autoren um den Direktor der Brenthurst Foundation, Greg Mills, afrikanische Lösungen für afrikanische Probleme vor.

Fachgespräch mit dem nigerianischen Senatspräsidenten in Berlin

Bukola Saraki besuchte mit seiner Delegation die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Am 9. März traf Dr. Wolfgang Maier, stellvertretender Leiter der Hauptabteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit (EIZ), gemeinsam mit weitere Fachleuten der Stiftung den nigerianischen Senatspräsidenten zu einem Fachgespräch in Berlin. Themen waren u.a. die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, die Bekämpfung des Terrorismus in Nigeria und neueste Entwicklungen im Energie- und Klimabereich.

Nigerianische Politiker informieren sich vor Ort

Abgeordnete und Mitarbeiter verschiedener Regionalparlamente aus Nigeria besuchten vom 16. bis 22. Oktober 2016 Berlin, Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz. Die Teilnehmer interessierten sich insbesondere für die Parlamentsarbeit und -verwaltung auf nationaler und regionaler Ebene, sowie die deutsche Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik.

Constituents financial needs are not part of legislators' functions

We require Attitudinal And Moral Compass Change strategies for both political and citizen classes.Citizens must be appealed to by a media outreach and fora like this to reduce the need to accost the politicians for funds to substitute for the failures of politics- unemployment, ill-health, no scholarships, high interest rates, and meet the challenges of an ‘I de manage’ mentality. ‘NOBODY WANTS TO BEG’.

Citizens Conversation With Elected Leaders

For most people, democracy is simply about the ritual of periodic elections. Seldom, if ever are they concerned with what ever happens in between elections. Democracy without informed and active citizens will remain defective. To get citizens involved in participatory governance, there is need for a structure.

Training of Trainers of NSCDC

Lecturers of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) were trained on new materials for enhancing their lectures on civic education themes and peace and conflict issues.The training was conducted from 25th to 29th of May 2015 at the NSCDC Academy in Abeokuta.

Runder Tisch : Möglichkeiten für Medien und Organisationen zum Dialog mit Nigerias neuer Regierung

Am 21. April setzte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Nigeria die Serie von Runden Tischen zu aktuell politischen Themen, die seit 2014 sehr erfolgreich ist, mit einer zweiten Veranstaltung im Jahr 2015 fort.Im Zentrum der Diskussion stand die Frage, wie die nigerianischen Medien und zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen den Dialog mit den neu gewählten Regierungen auf überregionaler und lokaler Ebene erfolgreich gestalten können. Als Diskussionsgrundlage diente ein einführender Vortrag von Dr. Otive Igbuzor, dem geschäftsführenden Direktor des Centre-LSD.

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