Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Digital media security


KAS in cooperation with the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) organized a three-day workshop for improving the digital security skills of journalists titled ”Digital media security”.

Current security challenges and risks of North Macedonia and the Region

Book presentation and academic discussion

On 09 March, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation together with the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Bitola organized an academic discussion on the topic: “Current security challenges and risks of North Macedonia and the Region”. On this occasion our joint publication on "Fundamentals of Security - Conceptual Security Approaches" by professor Marjan Gjurovski was presented to the public.

The war in Ukraine and its impact on EU and Western Balkan's Foreign Policy

Online event

On 10 March starting at 19:30 hour the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized an online discussion on the topic: "The war in Ukraine and its impact on EU and Western Balkan's Foreign Policy".

IMAGO / Belga

Der Russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine – Reaktionen auf dem Westbalkan

Der russische Angriff auf die Ukraine am 24. Februar 2022 hat in Europa, dem breiteren Westen aber auch weltweit für starke Reaktionen gesorgt – gerade letzteres zeigte sich in einer Resolution der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen vom 2. März, als diese das russische Vorgehen mit einer überwältigenden Mehrheit von 141 gegen 5 bei 35 Enthaltungen verurteilte. Alle Länder des Westbalkan stimmten in New York für die Resolution – jedoch unterhält die Region komplizierte historische, politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Beziehun-gen zu Russland, aber auch zur Ukraine. Wie also haben die Menschen und politischen Institutionen der Region das Handeln Russlands aufgefasst? Welche Narrative herrschen vor? Und was ist für die Zukunft zu erwarten? Die Auslandsmitarbeiter der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Belgrad, Sarajevo, Tirana, Skopje und Zagreb berichten.

Political System

University textbook

The textbook "Political System" is a collective and comprehensive work of prof. Savo Klimovski, PhD, prof. Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, PhD, prof. Tanja Karakamisheva-Jovanovska, PhD, and prof. Aleksandar Spasenovski, PhD, from the Department of Constitutional Law and Political System at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje.

Analysis of public opinion on North Macedonia`s accession to the European Union (2014-2021)

Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis from Skopje promoted the Public Opinion Analysis Paper “Analysis of the public opinion about the North Macedonia’s accession to the European Union (2014–2021)” by the author Ivan Damjanovski.

From a poster to a foster child. Public opinion analysis on North Macedonia’s EU accession process

Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis from Skopje promoted the Public Opinion Analysis Paper “From a poster to a foster child. 2021 public opinion analysis on North Macedonia’s EU accession process” by the authors Ivan Nikolovski and Marie Jelenka Kirchner.

Presentation of the Analysis of the legal framework and institutional capacities of the local environmental inspection services

On 15 February 2022, a presentation was held on the "Analysis of the legal framework and institutional capacities of the local environmental inspection services". The analysis was prepared by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Centre for Legal Research and Analysis.

Creating a European Municipality: Integrity Policy for Zero Corruption

On 8 February 2022, a press conference was held in the premises of the Municipality of Aerodrom indicating the beginning of the realization of the project: "Creating a European Municipality: Integrity Policy for Zero Corruption", which is implemented by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with The Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" and the Municipality of Aerodrom.

Political Thought Nr.63

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis" from Skopje would like to present you the 63rd issue of the journal “Political Thought”.