Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Call for Papers for the 63rd issue of Political Thought

“Political Thought” is a thematic journal on political and social issues. The International Editorial Board of the journal wishes to announce an open call for original articles for the upcoming 63rd issue in the fields of (but not limited to) Europe, External Actors, Innovation and Security.

Pressestelle VMRO-DPMNE

Kommunalwahlen in Nordmazedonien

Erdrutschsieg der VMRO-DPMNE

Die Lokalwahlen endeten nicht nur mit einem großen Sieg der oppositionellen VMRO-DPMNE, sondern beendete (vorerst?) die politische Karriere von Premierminister Zoran Zaev, der noch in der Wahlnacht seinen Rücktritt ankündigte

Regional School 2021

Society and Religion: Ethnic groups, Identity and Nationalism

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Office North Macedonia in close cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels have organized a hybrid event Regional School 2021 “Society and Religion: Ethnic groups, Identity and Nationalism” on 06 October over the cloud based video conferencing service - Zoom.

The Republic of North Macedonia’s 2021 Local Elections Handbook

Traditionally, since 2013, every election year, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Office in Skopje (KAS) and the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis from Skopje (IDSCS) prepare handbooks for the electoral processes in the country.

Western Balkans’ cooperation with China

Between values and interests

China is also expanding its influence in the Western Balkans and promoting its political model of values. The motivation is driven by the Belt and Road Initiative. Economical activities create dependencies that can be used for political pressure. In addition, China managed to present itself as a close partner in the pandemic, while the EU was not perceived as a safety net. Confidence is decreasing. But China's involvement also reveals deficits. What follows?

Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III 2021-2027)

Is IPA III a new chance to deepen the accession reforms?

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje published the Policy Brief: "Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III 2021-2027): Is IPA III a new chance to deepen the accession reforms?" from the author Dragan Tilev.

5. Macedonian-German Forum

30 Years of Independence of North Macedonia-The role of the Parliament in Democracy

The 5. Macedonian-German Forum titled “30 Years of Independence of North Macedonia-The role of the Parliament in Democracy” which was organized by KAS and the Institute for Social Research – MK91 took place on 24 September 24 2021.

30 Years of Independence

Analysis and Survey

Joining the celebration of the three decades of independence and autonomy of today’s Republic of North Macedonia, KAS, together with the Institute for Social Research – MK91, issued a publication titled “30 Years of Independence”.

Strengthening democratic capacities at the local level


In the run-up to the local elections, KAS conducted a training on 3 September with potential candidates for mayors and councilors from the Alternativa party. The topic of this training was “Strengthening democratic capacities at the local level”.

Strengthening democratic capacities at the local level


On 4 September, KAS held a training on “Strengthening democratic capacities at the local level” for the mayoral candidates and some of the potential candidates for municipal councilors proposed by the Alliance for Albanians. The training was mainly focused on topics related to capacity building of politicians at the local level, as well as topics related to communication with the public.