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Political Academy 2021

Fostering democracy on local level - Building good policies and strategies for sustainable local development

On September 1 and 2, KAS in cooperation with PIAC "Ljubisa Georgievski" organized a Political Academy for VMRO-DPMNE candidates for mayors and leaders of councilor lists on the topic: “Fostering democracy on local level - Building good policies and strategies for sustainable local development”. The hybrid event included numerous Macedonian and German politicians, experts and theorists from various fields.

Applied Politics

University textbook

The textbook “Applied Politics” is a collective work and is the result of the excellent academic cooperation of a group of professors at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje, who, through it, would like to stimulate the interest and knowledge of the readers in the field of applied politics.

Political Thought Nr.62

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis" from Skopje would like to present you the 62-nd issue of the journal “Political Thought”

Russ Allison Loar / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 /

Brandkatastrophe und regionale Kooperation in Nordmazedonien

Die Hitzewelle in Südosteuropa hält auch Nordmazedonien seit mehreren Wochen in Atem und verursachte viele Brände im Land. In der deutschen Berichterstattung wird davon kaum Notiz genommen bzw. der Fokus auf das Nachbarland und EU-Mitglied Griechenland gelegt. Gleichwohl sind die Ressourcen, der Brandkatastrophe zu begegnen, in Nordmazedonien noch einmal knapper und das Krisenmanagement der Regierung ist verbesserungsbedürftig. Auf das mazedonische Hilfeersuchen reagierten viele Länder in der Region. Dabei werden jedoch leider erneut regionale Konflikte sichtbar.

Umweltmanagement- und Monitoring Systeme


Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und die Maschinenbaufakultät Skopje geben das Hochschullehrbuch "Umweltmanagement- und Monitoring Systeme" der Autoren Prof. Emil Zaev, Zoran Markov und Darko Babunski heraus.

The future of media – Young journalists as a chance for a new era of media with integrity and influence


KAS in cooperation with the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) organized a three-day workshop titled “Young journalists as a chance for a new era of media with integrity and influence”.

The official representative of KAS, Daniel Braun visited Gostivar

On 15 July, the official representative of KAS, Daniel Braun visited Gostivar.

Greece and North Macedonia on the way towards normalisation

It has been three years since North Macedonia and Greece signed the so-called Prespa agreement which put an end to the name dispute that had been going on since North Macedonia gained independence. Based on the agreement, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was renamed North Macedonia. For the latter, the most important result was that Greece dropped its resistance against the country's accession to NATO and the EU. However, while North Macedonia became a NATO member about one year later, Macedonians are still waiting for progress with regard to EU accession. Nevertheless, the Prespa agreement can serve as a good example of how to find a way to balance bilateral conflicts in a region of countries that are new to statehood or have regained independence after a long period of time, where history and identity policy can still determine the politics of the day. Three years after the agreement was signed, the KAS Offices in both countries carried out a survey to find out what the citizens think about it. In the country report at hand, the directors of both offices describe the results from the viewpoint of their country of deployment.

Young journalists as actors of a new era of media with integrity and impact

In the last decade, especially during the last three years, many key strategies of donor support programmes have placed youth journalism high on their list of priorities. Young people in developed countries around the world have taken part in programmes for fostering the quality of journalism, which is becoming more visible. Youth journalism is considered vital for the survival of certain communities, and it is supported by means of increasingly accessible and visible trainings by media organisations, youth programmes in local newsrooms, school newspapers, as well as podcasts and other digital platforms. Youth journalism is a solution to certain pressing issues and a platform for ideas that will transform communities, cities, countries and the world, in the present and future.

Political Thought Nr.61

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis" from Skopje would like to present you the 61-st issue of the journal “Political Thought”.

We would be delighted if the current selection of texts by the international editorial team would arouse your interest again. As always, we have tried to focus on debates with a long-term perspective. The topics such as representative democracy, public policy and political culture as well as current contributions from political theory and social developments are social topics that on one hand are current, but on another also long-term interesting for discussion, which we would like to enrich with the current issue.