Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Strengthening the capacities of the MPs

Successful strategies and challenges

Based on the excellent continuous cooperation, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a training seminar intended for the MP group of VMRO-DPMNE, with the aim of advanced training to improve communication skills with the public, openness and transparency. The event took place from 16 to 18 February in Ohrid. This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from practice.

Political Academy 2024

The Importance of effective communication in building success

From 09 to 11 February, KAS in cooperation with the Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” organized the Political Academy for VMRO-DPMNE activists at local level, entitled "The importance of effective communication in building success". This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from practice.

Technical government in Skopje: Kick-off to the super election year in North Macedonia

The technical government begins its work

The super election year in North Macedonia was heralded with the swearing-in of the technical government on January 28, 2024, which had to be formed 100 days before the election date. The basis for this is the so-called Przino Agreement of 2015, which ended a serious domestic political emergency through the intervention of the EU and the USA. Talat Xhaferi is the first member of the Albanian population group to assume the office of Prime Minister. The government's main task is to organize the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Daniel Braun

The citizens of Kosovo now also have the freedom to travel to the European Union

Kosovo is the last country in the Western Balkans to receive visa liberalization with the EU

At the beginning of the year, visa liberalization with the European Union came into force in Kosovo, the last country in the Western Balkans to do so. The freedom to travel, which was achieved after a long wait compared to neighboring countries, is causing much euphoria, especially among the younger generation. However, there is also concern that the freedom to travel could trigger a large wave of emigration of workers and an additional brain drain to the EU states, which would exacerbate the already existing labor shortage in certain economic sectors.

Movie screening "The Wannsee Conference" (2022)

On 30th January at the Multimedia Center “Kiro Gligorov” (Kinoverzum) in Shtip, a screening of the film "The Wannsee Conference" (2022) was held.

Political Thought Nr.67

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis" from Skopje would like to present you the 67th issue of the journal “Political Thought”.


Program for using the online social game "Electology" ( for teaching topics related to the citizen, the state and the political system.

Analysis of the public opinion about the North Macedonia’s accession to the EU (2014–2023)

Public opinion analysis for 2023

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis from Skopje promoted the Public Opinion Analysis Paper “Analysis of the public opinion about the North Macedonia’s accession to the European Union (2014–2023)” by the author Ivan Damjanovski.

EU integrations in the shadow of the internal processes

Public opinion analysis for 2023

Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis from Skopje promoted the Public Opinion Analysis Paper “EU integrations in the shadow of the internal processes - Public opinion analysis for 2023” by the author Anamarija Velinovska in cooperation with Ana Sofeska and Gjorgji Hadzi Vasilev.

Multireligious Calendar 2024

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the five religious' communities in Republic of North Macedonia have issued the Multireligious Calendar 2024.