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Asset Publisher

Encouraging women's leadership and participation in politics and democratic culture building

Panel discussion

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the Wilfred Martens Centre for European Studies held a panel discussion on 13 June in Skopje on the topic "Encouraging women's leadership and participation in politics and democratic culture building", which was attended by women from North Macedonia and from Europe, who are active participants in politics and society.

Celebration of Europe Day – 9 May

Democracy in Europe - 30 years after the Maastricht Treaty: New dilemmas for the European future and the enlargement

On 19 May, a celebration event was held to mark Europe Day – 9 May, organised by KAS, the European Movement of the Republic of North Macedonia, and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels.

Effective green and economic policies on local level - Creating modern municipalities

From 06 to 08 May, KAS in cooperation with PRAC "Ljubisa Georgievski" organised a training for mayors from VMRO-DPMNE on the topic: " Effective green and economic policies on local level - Creating modern municipalities". This event included expert presentations and workshops led by numerous domestic and foreign experts and theorists in the field of local self-government.

Census 2021: Reflecting the multiethnic and multi-religious character of the society

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation together with the Institute for Political Research - Skopje and the internet portal, conducted a new public opinion poll within the project "Republic of North Macedonia as a multi-confessional society".

Census 2021: Reflecting the multiethnic and multi-religious character of the society

On May 9, the discussion "Census 2021: Reflecting the multiethnic and multi-religious character of the society" was held. The event was organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in close cooperation with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "St. Clement of Ohrid” and the Faculty of Islamic Sciences from Skopje. About forty participants, students of theology, representatives of religious communities, experts in the field of religion and other interested parties took part in discussing the results of the census.

Creating a European Municipality: Integrity Policy for Zero Corruption

Integrity Handbook of the Municipality of Aerodrom

The name of the project "Creating a European Municipality: Integrity Policy for Zero Corruption" defines its content as the construction of a system for the anti-corruption measures that determine the integrity policy of the Municipality of Aerodrom.

Creating a European Municipality: Integrity Policy for Zero Corruption

Study on the Integrity of the Municipality of Aerodrom

The Study on the Integrity of the Municipality of Aerodrom is an analysis that presents the functioning of this unit of local self-government from the aspect of its key competencies, i.e.: conducting administrative procedures and relations with clients; staff recruitment and human resource management; public procurement and asset management in the broadest sense of the word, as well as other more important competencies.

pixabay / geralt

Die Volkszählung in Nordmazedonien - Instrument für Statistik oder ethnische Fragen?

Im September 2021 fand in der Republik Nordmazedonien fast zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem letzten (2002) ein neuer Zensus statt, dessen Ergebnisse nun veröffentlicht wurden. Nach diesen leben 2.097.310 mazedonische Bürgerinnen und Bürger im In- und Ausland, die tatsächliche Wohnbevölkerung im Land beträgt 1.836.713 Personen. Da das Ergebnis politisch eher aus der Perspektive von Bevölkerungsanteilen und damit einhergehenden Minderheitenrechten betrachtet wird, waren heftige politische Reaktionen nach der Veröffentlichung zu erwarten.

Cathedra Adenauer 2022

On 05 and 13 April, KAS in cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels, the Institute for Social Research - MK91 from Skopje, University of St. Clement of Ohrid in Bitola and the Faculty of Law at the University "Goce Delchev" in Stip organized two lectures in the frame of the Cathedra Adenauer 2022.

Three "NajGLASni" Awards Given for Student Communities

When schools support and encourage "NajGLASni!" (VOICEd) student communities, we have active and motivated students ready to take an active part in the democratic process and to be the bearers of changes in the education system, but also in the society. This could be concluded from the three-day event for awarding the prize for high school participation - "NajGLASni!", which took place from 29 to 31 March in Skopje and Veles, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, LEAD Association and the Union of High School Students of North Macedonia.