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Зајакнување на Училишната заедница на СОУ "Кочо Рацин" - Велес

Овој проект е имплементиран од Фондацијата Конрад Аденауер и Здружението LEAD и има за цел да ги зајакне капацитетите на учениците во создавање на одржлив модел на Училишна заедница, што понатаму ќе може да се реплицира.


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Interreligious Classroom

The perceptions of the citizens on religion and its role in multi confessional society

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in close cooperation with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Faculty of Islamic Science is organizing Interreligious Classroom which will take place on 14th March at the Hotel Marriot in Skopje.


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Mеѓурелигиски час

Перцепциите на граѓаните за религијата и нејзината улога во мултиконфесионалните општества

Фондацијата Конрад Аденауер во соработка со Православниот Богословски Факултет и Факултетот за Исламски Науки, на 14ти март во хотелот Мериот во Скопје организира Меѓурелигиски Час.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) organize a workshop titled as “Self-regulation as a basic precondition for free media”.


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Interreligious Classroom

The role of the religious communities in development of youths

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in close cooperation with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Faculty of Islamic Science is organizing Interreligious Classroom which will take place on 30th November at the Hotel Stone Bridge in Skopje.


"Waste Water Treatment Systems"


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels and the environmental NGO Go Green Skopje are organizing a round table discussion on the publication “Waste Water Treatment Systems”.


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International conference "European Values and Security Challenges in the Migration and Refugee Crisis"

– A Perspective from the Civil Society

The conference will take place in the amphitheater of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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“Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism”

Regional Summer School

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the University ”Euro-Balkan”, Skopje and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies is organizing the third summer school “Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism”.

Study and Information Program


Фондација Конрад Аденауер, во соработка со СУГС Раде Јовчевки - Корчагин, започна со реализирање на проект кој има за цел да ја зајакне постоечката Училишна заедница на средното училиште Раде Јовчевки - Корчагин.


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“Effects of global terrorism and radicalism for Macedonia and the region”


The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing a seminar titled “Effects of global terrorism and radicalism for Macedonia and the region”. The seminar will take place in Ohrid, between 22nd and 24th July.

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Strategic planning for political change 2024


Within the framework of the excellent cooperation, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a three-day event intended for the top leadership of VMRO-DPMNE and the members of the Executive Committee, with the aim of discussions and strategic planning for the activities of VMRO-DPMNE in the upcoming period. The event took place from 23 to 25 February in Veles. This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from the practice.

Strengthening the capacities of the MPs

Successful strategies and challenges

Based on the excellent continuous cooperation, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Centre "Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a training seminar intended for the MP group of VMRO-DPMNE, with the aim of advanced training to improve communication skills with the public, openness and transparency. The event took place from 16 to 18 February in Ohrid. This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from practice.

Political Academy 2024

The Importance of effective communication in building success

From 09 to 11 February, KAS in cooperation with the Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” organized the Political Academy for VMRO-DPMNE activists at local level, entitled "The importance of effective communication in building success". This event also included expert presentations by numerous domestic and foreign politicians, as well as experts from practice.

Movie screening "The Wannsee Conference" (2022)

On 30th January at the Multimedia Center “Kiro Gligorov” (Kinoverzum) in Shtip, a screening of the film "The Wannsee Conference" (2022) was held.

Movie screening "The Wansee Conference" (2022)

On 7th November at the Holocaust Memorial Center of the Jews of Macedonia, a screening of the film "The Wannsee Conference" (2022) was held.

Strengthening Regional Cooperation, Stability and Good Neighbourly Relations in Time of War

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the School of Public Policy "Mother Teresa" organized the event "Strengthening regional cooperation, stability and good neighbourly relations in times of war".

Cathedra Adenauer 2023

On 17 and 19 October, KAS in cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies from Brussels, Academy for European Integration - Skopje, University of St. Clement of Ohrid in Bitola and the Faculty of Law at the University "Goce Delchev" in Stip organized two lectures in the frame of the Cathedra Adenauer 2023.

Building success on local level: Strengthening the capacities of local self-government

Training for mayors

On 28 October, KAS in cooperation with Party Research and Analytical Center “Ljubisa Georgievski” organized a round table and workshops for mayors proposed by VMRO-DPMNE on the topic: "Building success at the local level: Strengthening the capacities of local self-government".

Political Academy 2023: “Leaders for the future"

Final module of the Political Academy

On 28 and 29 October, KAS and Party Research and Analytical Center "Ljubisha Georgievski" organized the last module of the Political Academy, entitled "Leaders for the future". Intended for selected young participants, this last module included expert presentations and workshops led by numerous domestic experts, international representatives, current and former politicians, experts and theorists in relation to the basics of leadership, with a particular focus on the economic perspectives and challenges.

Political Academy

The leaders of tomorrow

From 30 September to 1 October, KAS in cooperation with the Party Research and Analytical Center "Ljubisha Georgievski" organized the second module of the Political Academy, titled "The leaders of tomorrow". Intended for selected young politicians, this module included expert presentations and workshops led by numerous domestic experts, current and former politicians and theorists regarding the Macedonian foreign policy and geostrategic challenges in the context of Russian military aggression in Ukraine.