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Event Reports


General Committee Meeting of the Bader Youth Network in Ramallah

On April 18th, 2008 this year’s second General Committee Meeting of the Bader Youth Network (BYN) took place in Ramallah. More than one hundred members of the network funded by KAS came together in order to discuss the preparation of a Code of Ethics for the Bader Youth Network. The Code of Ethics marks the first step towards an institutionalization of the BYN.

PFI presents Private Sector Agenda during a workshop in Ramallah

A workshop was held in Ramallah on the draft study of Industrial Policy in the Private Sector, conducted by The Palestinian Federation of Industries (PFI) in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Ramallah. The study aims at reflecting ideas and requirements for the development of the Palestinian private sector and thus establishing a Private Sector Policy Agenda.

Legal Encounter in Birzeit: Regulation of the Palestinian Capital Market

On February 13th, 2008 this year’s first legal encounter took place at Birzeit University. Guest speaker of the event was Haitham Zobi, a lawyer and expert in financial law. The event targeted an essential topic in the preparation towards the establishment of the Department of Law and Economics within the Institute of Law at Birzeit University.

The Legislative Plan of the Palestinian National Authority: Efforts Exerted and Future Horizons

During the latest Legal Encounter, which focused on the Palestinian National Authority’s prospective Legislative Plan, guest speaker Mr. Khalil Karajah Rifai analyzed the Palestinian Government's legislative agenda since the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in 1994.

EU Trains its Partners in Cooperation with the Nazaha-Project of KAS

At the end of 2008, five training workshops were held within the framework of the Nazaha-Project in order to fight corruption in NGOs funded by the European Commission. About 80 directors and high-ranking members of NGOs from all over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were skilled in five different methods of fighting corruption developed by the Nazaha-Project.

Grand Opening of Baader Youth Council Office in Ramallah

A few days ago, the office of the Baader Youth Council (BYC) was opened in Ramallah. The ceremony was attended by BYC members and representatives of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Ramallah.

Nahostgesandter Tony Blair diskutiert mit EVP-ED-Delegation

Intensive Gespräche mit Präsident Abbas und Premierminister Fayyad

Vom 4. bis zum 6. Februar 2008 besuchte eine Delegation der EVP-ED Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament Israel und die Palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete. Die Reise fand im Rahmen des vom KAS Regionalprogramm Nahost/Mittelmeer koordinierten Parlamentarierdialogs statt. Neben dem EVP-ED Fraktions¬vorsitzenden Josef Daul MdEP nahmen Elmar Brok MdEP und fünf weitere Fraktionsmitglieder, darunter EP-Vizepräsidentin Rodi Kratsa MdEP, an der Reise teil.

Maha Staiti New Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Baader Youth Council

The members of the Baader Youth Council met on October 26th 2007 in Jericho to hold their third general meeting. Baader is a joint initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAF) and the International Peace and Cooperation Center (IPCC) in East-Jerusalem. The project aims to enhance the role of the Palestinian youth in the democratic process, to develop leadership qualities, to reduce gender barriers and hence to support the creation of a pluralistic and viable Palestinian civic society.

Group from Thuringia visits Ramallah

A group of visitors of the Federal State’s Centre for Political Education, among them some artists and members of the Free State’s Parliament, jointly participated with Palestinian politicians and artists in a one-day seminar in Ramallah, which was organised by KAS.

Prime Minister of the German Federal State of Saarland Dr. Peter Mueller visits KAS Ramallah

Saarlands Ministerpräsident Peter Müller bei der KAS Ramallah

On Tuesday Dr. Peter Mueller met namable representatives of the Palestinian Civic Society as well as Partners of the KAS in the new office in Ramallah. In the range of a lunch the Prime Minister of Saarland was briefed about the projects of KAS Ramallah together with its partners, especially in the area of legal policy and support of the social market economy.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.