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Appel à candidatures

Académie d’Automne Européenne 2023 à Otzenhausen

Le Programme Régional Dialogue Politique Sud Méditerranée de la Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) organise l’Académie d’Automne Européenne. Ce programme de 10 jours destiné aux jeunes du Maghreb se déroulera, du 22 octobre au 1 novembre 2023, au sein de l’Académie européenne d’Otzenhausen, en Allemagne.


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Fourth Training - MENA Leadership Academy – Generation 4

Political and Civil Society Engagement of Young Actors in Europe

Between 21 and 25 August 2023, KAS PolDiMed will organize the fourth training of MENA Leadership Academy (generation 4) in Berlin, Germany, which will shed light on the political mosaic of Germany’s democratic eco system and its impact on youth participation in public life. The training will also examine the similarities and differences between both shores of the Mediterranean sea in terms of youth engagement in the political and social life.


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2023 Summer School

German Foreign Policy: Pillars and Shifts

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) is organizing a summer school on the "German Foreign Policy in a Changing World", on 27-30 July, in Tunis, Tunisia. The two-day training sessions will bring together a group of young leaders from the South Mediterranean region to discuss the principles and changes of the German foreign policy and examine the new dynamics and regional alliances in the region.

Expert talk

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Libya Expert Dialogue Series

The State of the Libya Berlin Process

On July 26, 2023, KAS PolDiMed jointly with the KAS New York Office to the United Nation will organize a webinar on the state of the Libya Berlin Process. The online discussion is part of our continued Libya Expert Dialogue Series where we bring together around 40 high-ranking officials from the diplomatic missions and experts to discuss important developments in Libya. The event is closed and on-invitation.


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The Policy of Migration in the Mediterranean Region

Dialogue Program for a German MP Delegation

The Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) will be welcoming a delegation of German MPs from July 9 to July 12, 2023 in Tunis, Tunisia. KAS PolDiMed is planning meetings over two days with relevant stakeholders for the purpose of discussing the situation of irregular migration towards the Mediterranean.

Expert conference

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Mediterranean Advisory Group (MAG)

Rethinking Euro-Med Relations Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Developments

Within the framework of its continued Mediterranean Advisory Group (MAG), the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) will bring together, from 5 to 7 July, 2023, in Cadenabbia, Italy, a group of prominent experts with various backgrounds from the region to discuss the challenges and prospects facing the Southern Mediterranean region at the geopolitical, security, and socio-economic levels.

Expert talk

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Building Connections

A 2024 Mediterranean Agenda for the Next European Commission

Expert conference

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Maghreb-Sahel Dialogue

The Dynamics of Migration in the Maghreb-Sahel Region: new tendencies, new challenges and regional responses

KAS PolDiMed and the Regional Program for the Sahel of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung are organizing a conference on the ''Migration Dynamics in the Maghreb-Sahel region", on 22-23 June, in Rabat. This conference will bring together leading experts and practitioners to discuss, essentially, the recent trends in irregular migration and evaluate the migration policies in the Maghreb-Sahel countries along with their cooperation on migration-related issues with the EU.


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Third Training - MENA Leadership Academy – Generation 4

Capacity Building Training on Debate, Public Policy, and Democracy

Between 15 and 19 March, 2023, KAS PolDiMed will organize the third training of MENA Leadership Academy program (Generation 4) in Rabat, Morocco. Building on the outcomes of the previous editions, this round of capacity-building training, both theoretical and practical oriented, will aim specifically to train the MENA LA fellows on how to (1) be more persuasive using debate and critical thinking skills, (2) write policy papers, and (3) best apply democracy.


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European Neighborhood Policy Revisited

Europe's Interests in the Southern Mediterranean and the New Dynamics

The policy of the European Union in its southern mediterranean neighbour region and countries in light of the changing global and regional circumstances.

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Afric'Up - Africa Startup Summit

Tech & Startup Africa Summit

Held under the auspices of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies of the Republic of Tunisia, the second edition of Afric’Up Summit gathered outstanding entrepreneurs, international experts and practitioners from Africa and all over the world to promote and develop the African startup environment.

EU-North Africa Relations: Resetting the Dialogue on Partnership

Panel discussion

In light of the changes and challenges in North Africa, the European Union has been forced to rethink its approach towards the region. While Tunisia is the only North African country engaged in DCFTA negotiations with the EU, it appears as if the traditional instruments of the EU are not effectively responding to the current economic and political setup in the region and leave expectations on both shores of the Mediterranean unfulfilled.

Regional Training Course: Anabtawi 29

"The right to education as a guarantee for development and human dignity"

From 21 to 29 September 2019, the Regional Program South Mediterranean took part in the organization of the 29th edition of Anabtawi. During nine days, 30 human rights activists from all over the MENA region were gathered in Hammamet to follow a training course on the right to education in the region

Mapping Middle Eastern Alliances

Mediterranean Advisory Group Meeting

The workshop organized by the Regional Program South Mediterranean of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Casa Árabe, took a closer look at old and new patterns of Middle Eastern alliances. It assessed the major changes in regional cooperation trends both among states and between states and non-state actors. It further identified clusters of new alliance paradigms, and discussed the impact that the combination of these new patterns may have on the future of the region’s geopolitics and security.

Municipal Councils and Local Peacebuilding in Libya

Back to the Basics?

The KAS Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean in cooperation with the Madrid-based think tank Stractegia organized a Libyan-Libyan dialogue event in Tunis. The closed-door roundtable brought together Libyan politicians, governmental officials, members of the civil society, of security institutions and the private sector. Representatives of selected international institutions joined as observers.

The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit

MED Women for Social Innovation

After a first successful kick-off last year, the Regional Program South Mediterranean organized, under the high patronage of the Tunisian Presidency, the second edition of the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit. From the 23 to 24 September 2019, more than 70 experts, social entrepreneurs, and representatives from international organizations coming from 12 different countries gathered in Tunis to discuss the opportunities lying under digital social innovations in shaping a more sustainable and inclusive development in the Southern Mediterranean.

How can Special Economic Zones lead to Growth and Integration in North Africa?

International Workshop

“How can Special Economic Zones lead to Growth and North Africa“? This was the leading question that was being addressed in our International Workshop taking place in Rabat, Morocco.

Libya Task Force

Haftar's Assault on Tripoli: Status Quo and Outlook

Since the beginning of Khalifa Haftar’s offensive on Tripoli on 4 April 2019, the Libyan capital has witnessed yet another humanitarian crisis with hundreds of people killed and thousands displaced. While GNA-aligned militias have started their counteroffensive to reclaim the territories taken by the LNA, the forces competing over the control of Tripolitania find themselves in a standoff as the Eastern offensive on the capital turned into a siege.

Leadership, Negotiation, and Lobbying: Skills for successful NGO work

MENA Leadership Academy II-3

From 24 to 27 April, the KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean invited 20 young activists from the Mediterranean region to Istanbul for the third training in the framework of the second generation of the KAS MENA Leadership Academy.

A Debate on Regional Order in the Levant

Roundtable Discussion

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of KAS has organized in cooperation with the International Relations Council of Turkey and the Center for Turkish Studies a high-caliber panel discussion on the regional order in the Levant. The event took place on April 25th at the Kadir Has University in Istanbul and is the continuation of a conference and an anthology on the topic prepared in collaboration by the KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean and the International Relations Council of Turkey.