There are currently no events planned.
Assessing Healthcare Systems Resilience and Consequences amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Online seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) co-organize an online seminar, on 3 March, 2022 at 3:00 PM CET, to present the study "Assessing Healthcare Systems Resilience and Consequences amidst COVID-19 Pandemic".
Youth Employment in North Africa
Online seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) organizes an online seminar, on 2 March, 2022 at 3:00 PM CET, to present the study "Youth Employment in North Africa".
fully bookedQuo Vadis Maghreb? Quo Vadis the EU in the Maghreb?
Closed discussion
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) organizes, in partnership with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), a former EU ambassadors' closed discussion. The event, entitled "Quo Vadis Maghreb? Quo Vadis the EU in the Maghreb?", will be held on 25 February, 2022 in Brussels. The event will offer an opportunity to discuss how the EU can make sense of these trends and how these trends have impacted the relationships of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco with the European Union. The three countries of the Maghreb region have shown an increasing appetite to develop a transactional relationship with the EU over the last years.
Rethinking youth political activism in the MENA region
25 selected participants will follow a well-tailored program cycle throughout 2022-2023 with a series of trainings to strengthen organizational and functional capabilities of CSOs and young members of political parties. The program will also focus on individual skill training such as communication and negotiation. The training series will be finalized with a study trip to Germany.
Expert talk
fully bookedLibya at the crossroads. What Europe and the international community can do
Rome MED Dialogues 2021
This panel, organized in the framework of the Rome MED Dialogues, represents the final phase of the Libya Proxy War Network project, developed by the ECFR Rome Office with the support of the Regional Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. This initiative, inspired by the practice of track-two diplomacy, consisted of several closed-door meetings attended by scholars and analysts from the countries most engaged in Libya. The goal of these meetings was to shed light on the different visions and interests currently at play in the country and to find pragmatic solutions to the Libyan conundrum. The main findings and insights that emerged from the various meetings held between October 2020 and June 2021 were expanded and elaborated in a final note that explores the relevance and depth of foreign actors' involvement in the Libyan crisis and then goes through the positions of some of the main international stakeholders and finally provides some policy recommendations for the EU strategy in Libya.
Unpacking the Challenge of Jihadism in North Africa: Origins, Evolving Trends and the Way Forward
On-invitation seminar
The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) organizes an invitation-only online seminar, on 30 November, 2021 at 12:30 PM CET, to present the study "Unpacking the Challenge of Jihadism in North Africa: Origins, Evolving Trends and the Way Forward".
Forum Franco-Allemand de la Méditerranée
10 ans après les révolutions arabes : hypothèse ou hypothèque démocratique ?
fully bookedLocal voices towards permanent dialogue in the Mediterranean
On-invitation meeting
KAS PolDiMed, in partnership with the Mediterranean network of cities MedCities, organizes a seminar in Tunis which aim is to gather mayors from different South Mediterranean countries in order to discuss the needs and priorities of municipalities, with a regional perspective.
Fact as Fiction
Identifying Mis/Disinformation in North Africa to Advance Citizen, Civil Society and Institutional Resilience
The Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) organize the conference “Fact as Fiction: Identifying Mis/Disinformation in North Africa to Advance Citizen, Civil Society and Institutional Resilience”. The event will take place on 12 and 13 October 2021, in a hybrid format, online, and at the Sheraton Hotel (Tunis).
Experts’ Workshop Economic recovery in the South Med region post-Covid19
On-invitation hybrid seminar
In the strive towards an economic recovery in the Southern Mediterranean region in a post-pandemic context, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and the Union of the Mediteranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED) organize the Experts’ Workshop on “Economic recovery in the South Med region post Covid-19” paving the way to the adoption of a policy paper for an effective economic recovery in the MENA region. The event takes place on October 11th 2021, in a hybrid format, at the Four Seasons Hotel (Tunis).