Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Building Bridges

Strneghtehing Physical, Emotional and Economic Links in South Asia

Published by the Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT), this edition combines an account of perspectives, opportunities and success stories of regional cooperation and connectivity in South Asia. It was released on 24 May 2014 in Kathmandu, Nepal, by the Secretary General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), H.E. Ahmed Saleem. Previous works of COSATT include "Towards Greater Regional Connectivity" (2008), "Countering Terrorism" (2010) and "Energy and Environmental Security: A Cooperative Approach in South Asia" (2011).

Nepal's National Interests V-VII

Secularism, Free and Responsible Media and Foreign Employment

CSAS and KAS have launched the Nepal´s National Interests Project in order to discuss the most fundamental areas of challenges for the young democracy of Nepal. In this book the findings of the first four NIP-events have been summarized to reflect the discussions on the topics of secularism, free and rResponsible Media and foreign employment.

Aung San Suu Kyi bekräftigt Führungsanspruch der NLD in Myanmar

Historischer Parteikongress wählt die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin zur Parteivorsitzenden

Historischer Parteikongress wählt die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin zur Parteivorsitzenden. Doch vor der Übernahme von Regierungsverantwortung muss die NLD noch ernsthafte Anstrengungen zur organisatorischen und programmatischen Erneuerung unternehmen.

Local Politics and Governance

Panorama-Insights into Asian and European Affairs

This issue of “Panorama – Insights into Asian and European Affairs” deals with the role and importance of local politics and governance in Asia and Europe.

Regional Environmental Issues

Water and Disaster Management

The edition "Regional Environmental Issues: Water and Disaster Management" jointly published by the Regional Programme SAARC of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) combines experiences from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka on the effects of climate change in South Asia. Experts from the leading think-tanks in the region discuss how cclimate change has influenced their respective country and what can be done to cope with these challenges both on the national and regional level.

South Asia Forum 2011

Towards A More Cooperative South Asia

From 6 to 8 November 2011 the Regional Programme SAARC together with the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) hosted the regional conference "South Asia Forum - Towards A More Cooperative South Asia" in Kathmandu. The contributions of the conference have now been published in an edition.

South Asia Forum 2012

SAARC: Towards Meaningful Cooperation

On 12 an 13 March 2012 the Regional Programme SAARC together with the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) hosted the regional conference "South Asia Forum - SAARC: Towards Meaningful Cooperation" in Kathmandu. The contributions of the conference have now been published in an edition.

Nepal nach der Auflösung der Verfassungsgebenden Versammlung

Die Verfassungsgebende Versammlung Nepals wurde durch ein Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs in der Nacht zum 27. Mai 2012 aufgelöst. Schon im Vorfeld des Urteils war es im ganzen Land zu Demonstrationen, Streiks und Zusammenstößen gekommen, die nach der Auflösung endgültig eskalierten. Politisch befindet sich das Land seitdem in der Schwebe: Der gegenwärtige Premierminister widersetzt sich lauter werdenden Rücktrittsforderungen, der Ausgang der für den 22. November 2012 angekündigten Neuwahlen ist ungewiss. Der noch junge Prozess der Demokratisierung scheint vorerst ins Stocken geraten zu sein.

A New Start in Myanmar: The April By-Elections and the Outlook for Political Change

In the by-elections in Myanmar on 1 April 2012, the party of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi achieved an overwhelming victory. Even many opposition politicians had not expected the NLD’s victory to be so decisive. This election outcome is a clear indication of the people’s rejection of the government and proof of the widespread support and high esteem enjoyed by Aung San Suu Kyi. Wilhelm Hofmeister, Kerstin Duell

Towards A Green Economy

In Search of Sustainable Energy Policies for the Future

This book is a compilation of papers presented at the international conference on "Moving Towards a Green Economy: Energy Policies for the Future" held in Kuala Lumpur in December 2011.