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Asset Publisher

Pixbay / akitada31

Perception of the Implementation of a Hydrogen Economy in Asia-Pacific

An Expert Survey

The survey maps the perceptions of Asian energy experts from nine different countries (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore) on the state of the hydrogen economy in the region.

Pixabay / sasint

ASEAN Climate Change Response

The book provides insight into climate change governance in ASEAN with regard to mitigation, adaptation, and climate finance.

Pixabay / seagul

Geoeconomics of Decarbonization in Asia‑Pacific

With the focus on Asia-Pacific, the study analyses decarbonisation policies and strategies in the following six areas: critical resources, use of fossil fuels, geoeconomics of taxonomies, carbon pricing, hydrogen, and cross-boundary electrification.

istock / pixelfusion3d

Climate Report 2021 

The fifth Climate Report presents contributions from the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation of global climate and energy programs

The focus of the Climate Report 2021 is on the potential effects of extreme weather events and the consequences of climate change on the agricultural sector. How are the changes affecting migratory movements? And how about security policy? We look into different regions of the world and show that the consequences of climate change are highly complex and that we need pragmatic and long-term solutions. Our Climate Report 2021 offers analyses and possible solutions.

Emerging Role of Blue Finance in the Asia-Pacific Region

This policy brief provides an overview of current blue finance environment from a regulatory perspective, and offers recommendations in structuring a facilitative blue finance framework in the Asia-Pacific region.

Disaster Risk Reduction: A Collective Approach from South and Southeast Asia

This publication analyzes the disaster governance of each South Asian country and Thailand in terms of current policies and institutional structures, as well as offering recommendations in amending the situation and further enhancing disaster resilience.

Biodiversity in Asia-Pacific

A series of Policy Briefs

With the support of KAS RECAP, Eco-Business will publish a series of research papers on biodiversity. The policy briefs will explore finance for biodiversity, the value of biodiversity in Asia’s megacities and biodiversity and the ocean.

Potential Harmonisation of Emission Trading Systems (ETS): China and Southeast Asia

This study aims to investigate the new national emissions trading scheme in China and selected countries in Southeast Asia that are about to develop carbon pricing.

The White House / Adam Schultz

In the Run-Up to the Climate Summit

Can the USA Set the Tone for International Climate Protection with its New Claim to Leadership?

The US President Joe Biden invited over 40 heads of State and Government to a virtual climate summit on 22 April 2021. The climate summit will be decisive for the future role of the US in international climate politics. Already during the electoral campaign, Biden declared climate protection to be a priority of his political agenda. How the US’ renewed claim to leadership in climate protection is being perceived worldwide is summarised below for the regions of Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East.

Contextualising Blue Economy in Asia-Pacific Region

Exploring Pathways for a Regional Cooperation Framework

This Policy Brief studies the current status of ocean economy in Asia-Pacific and explores the future development of blue economy framework in order to achieve SDG-14 - Life Below Water.