Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Global Emissions Reduction

Motivators, Obstacles and the Role of Germany

Results of a comparative survey of experts in China, India, Russia and the USA. The report shows that there are many differences between the four countries, but also some similarities. It particularly highlights the fact that preventing climate change is still not a major motivating factor when it comes to reducing emissions.

World Energy Scenarios 2016 - The Grand Transition

Das World Energy Council hat kürzlich einen umfassenden, neuen Bericht veröffentlicht. In diesem Bericht ‘World Energy Scenarios 2016: THE GRAND TRANSITION’ werden drei explorative Szenarien präsentiert: Modern Jazz, Unfinished Symphonie und Hard Rock. Diese Szenarien regen an, über aktuelle energie- und klimapolitische Herausforderungen zu diskutieren und nachzudenken. Außerdem statten sie Entscheidungsträger im Energiesektor mit einem offenen, transparenten und inklusiven Gerüst aus, um angesichts einer ungewissen Zukunft adequate Entscheidungen treffen zu können.

Climate Change and Migration

Dimensions, Concepts and Policy Responses from a Human Rights Perspective

More than 30 million persons in Asia have already been forced by changes of the climate to migrate. This essay discusses the question how political decision makers can deal with this flow of migrants and at the same time fulfill the legitimate claims of the single migrants as far as possible.

Paris Agreement: How it happened and what next

With a special focus on the role of non-state actors

This report gives an overview of the Paris Agreement and the new global climate system it has introduced; a reflection from of an engaged city-state -Singapore, on how the Paris outcome was achieved and what now has to be done; a description of the new world of international non-state groupings with two key examples of groups of world cities; and a reflection on city-based action by a major city in the developing world – Rio de Janeiro.

Energy Security and the OSCE

The Case for Energy Risk Mitigation and Connectivity

The 2016 German Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) comes at a time of increasing awareness about the interdependence between energy security and hard, economic, and human security. The publication of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs examines the challenges and provides suggestions for concrete action.Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this report does not necessarily reflect the official views of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Nach COP21-Interview mit Dr. Peter Hefele

Ist man in Asien mit den Ergebnissen der Verhandlung zufrieden? Wie wird in Asien die Bedeutung des Abkommens für den Klimaschutz gesehen? Dr. Peter Hefele, Leiter des Regionalprojektes Energiesicherheit und Klimaschutz Asien-Pazifik, spricht über seine Einschätzung zu den Ergebnissen der Klimaverhandlungen.

Strategic Perspectives for bilateral Energy Co-operation between the EU and Kazakhstan

Geo-economic and geopolitical Dimensions in Competition with Russia and China's Central Asia Policies

Central Asia is currently gaining a greater momentum in the energy cooperation between Russia, East Asia and Europe. For the region's largest country, Kazakhstan, the question arises of how to implement a sustainable resource and energy policy satisfying the needs of all regions. The study deals with the current situation and discusses possible future developments. It is the outcome of a research project of the European Centre for Energy and Resource Security, funded by Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

A Planetary and Global Ethics for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy

The articles in this book are drawn from the international conference “Ethics, Climate Change and Energy” which was held on 27-28 November 2014, at Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand and under cooperation between Konrad Adenauer Foundation and College of Religious Studies of Mahidol University.

Environmental Policy in South Korea

Problems and Perspectives

In the 2015 issue of "KAS Journal on Contemporary Korean Affairs" Korean and German scientists write about the country's nuclear policy, renewable energies, the efforts towards achieving the climate goals of the South Korean government and the chances of a green party in Korea.

COP21-Interview mit Dr. Peter Hefele

Wenn man erfolgreich die Ursachen des Klimawandels bekämpfen möchte, liege der Schlüssel in Asien. Dieser Rolle sei sich die Region durchaus bewusst, so Peter Hefele. „Die Menschen spüren wirklich schon die Folgen des Klimawandels und müssen sich darauf einstellen". Die Küsten- und Inselstaaten, die von den Klimafolgen besonders bedroht sind, würden deswegen sehr stark auf verbindliche Vereinbarungen drängen. Zweifel gäbe es an der Erreichbarkeit des 2-Grad-Ziels angesichts der bisher eingereichten Klimaschutzzusagen der verschiedenen Staaten.