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Environmental responsibility and the prospects for attributing legal personality to the environment

Written by Oussama Belhadi - Nador.

Despite the efforts made by the legislation to protect the environment, there are a number of problems and difficulties with regard to environmental damage, including the lack of a legal representative to defend nature against such harm. This ambiguity in the legislation leads to vagueness, as the law only regulates the areas of legal entities or individuals, without any specific stipulations for the climate and the environment.

Policy paper: The spectre of fire threatens the forest in Tangier.

Written by Yassmine El Mesbahi - Tangier

The phenomenon of forest fires is today the main cause of imbalance in biodiversity, negatively affecting the components of the animal and plant ecosystem. There is no doubt that the responsibility of man is evident, since it is the cause of many of these fires that threaten public health. It should also be noted that pollutants from fires are one of the most important causes of the increase in mortality of asthmatics and heart disease.

istock / pixelfusion3d

Climate Report 2021 

The fifth Climate Report presents contributions from the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation of global climate and energy programs

The focus of the Climate Report 2021 is on the potential effects of extreme weather events and the consequences of climate change on the agricultural sector. How are the changes affecting migratory movements? And how about security policy? We look into different regions of the world and show that the consequences of climate change are highly complex and that we need pragmatic and long-term solutions. Our Climate Report 2021 offers analyses and possible solutions.

PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay

Klimapartnerschaften als Baustein einer strategischen Außenpolitik

In vielen Schwellenländern gibt es Potenzial, Treibhausgas-Emissionen zu reduzieren. Klimapartnerschaften bieten sich hierbei als Instrument an

Längst ist der Klimawandel zu einem zentralen Bereich der internationalen Politik geworden. Grund dafür ist der Charakter des Problems: Nur wenn alle mitziehen, kann der Ausstoß von klimaschädlichen Gasen effizient verringert werden. Neben multilateralen Konferenzen können auch bilaterale Klimapartnerschaften ein Werkzeug der internationalen Politik sein.

Desalination: An alternative to alleviate water scarcity in the MENA region

Regional Study

This regional study aims at presenting the state of the art of desalination in the MENA region as a valuable alternative for water supply in front of an increasing water scarcity exacerbated by climate change and economic and population growths.

jozsitoeroe /

Climate Performance of the G7 States

CO2 Productivity as a Benchmark

How to best reconcile climate protection and economic interests and how should we assess the climate performance of a country from this point fo view? In order be able to answer these questions, we propose to take into account the CO2 productivity as a key influencing variable. Our comparison of the G7 countries shows why this approach is sensible.

Opportunities & Implications of Releasing Treated Effluent in Lower Stretches of Jordan River and Dead Sea

Desk Study

This report presents a creative out of the box analysis of how to rehabilitate the lower stretches of the Jordan River and help stabilize the Dead Sea water level by introducing treated effluent into the basin.

reuters/Muhammad Hamed

Covid-19 in Nahost und Nordafrika

Belastungsprobe für eine instabile Region

Die globale Ausbreitung des neuartigen Coronavirus wird für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika zu einer zusätzlichen Belastungsprobe. Vielerorts bestimmten politische und wirtschaftliche Krisen bereits den Alltag, sind staatliche Strukturen und Legitimität nur schwach ausgeprägt. In den fortwährenden Transformationsprozessen der Region könnte die Pandemie als Katalysator wirken. Die Corona-Krise wirft damit nicht nur Fragen zur Krisenreaktions- und Widerstandsfähigkeit der betroffenen Staaten und ihre Gesundheitssystemen auf, sondern auch zu den politischen und sozioökonomischen Folgen in einer Region, deren Entwicklung immer auch Folgen für Europa nach sich zieht.

Science, economics and politics of climate change

A guide for policymakers in Cameroon

In our ongoing quest to raise awareness of theconcept of climate change for the understanding ofall Cameroonians, all national stakeholdersincluding BDCP-Cameroon have been involved tomake the understanding of climate change a reality.

Water & Energy Nexus pre-feasibility study

Regional Stability through positive interdependencies

The pre-feasibility study is the final product of a three-years project carried out by KAS and EcoPeace Middle East. The study proposes a water-energy exchange in which Israel and Gaza exchange desalinated water from the Mediterranean coast with renewable energies from the deserts of Jordan. The findings show that such an exchange is technically feasible and potentially offers substantial economic, environmental and geo-political benefits to each of the parties.

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