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Training workshop on the writing of policy papers related to climate change issues.

For the benefit of 26 young participants selected to write policy papers and present them to Members of Parliament.

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Policy Papers FES

In partnership with the Energy Security and Climate Change Program in North Africa and the Middle East of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation - REMENA, Atlas for Development is organizing a training session on the writing of policy papers on environmental and climate issues, during the period from February 17 to 20, 2022, in Fez .


After the announcement of the program, we received more than 220 draft policy papers, on the basis of which the team selected 26 divided between 13 male and 13 female participants representing 16 Moroccan cities. With a geographical diversity that includes half of the Kingdom's regions, the challenge is to respond to the different environmental and climatic challenges that Moroccan cities suffer.


The training program will be officially launched through a roundtable on the roles of Parliament and civil society in the development, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, which will be attended by the parliamentary deputy Mr. Abdelmajid Fassi Fihri of the Istiqlal group for unity and parity, as well as representatives of civil society in Fez. During the three days of training, participants will benefit from a series of thematic workshops to learn about public policy engineering, the scientific methodology of formulating policy papers, and lobbying techniques to bring environmental and climate issues to the attention of parliamentary representatives, and to work on the definition of a climate agenda through which public policies will be influenced.


دورة تدريبية حول كتابة أوراق السياسات ذات الصلة بمواضيع التغيرات المناخية..docx

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