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Rule of Law - the Accountability of the Governement and the State Power Control

Expert Discussion in Novi Sad

The RLP SEE - KAS together with the Faculty for European Law and Political Studies Novi Sad are organizing an expert discussion on "Rule of Law - the Accountability of the Governement and the State Power Control".


Building a Fair and Reliable Judiciary

Regional Conference for Judges

The Romanian Academic Society and Freedom House together with the Rule of Law Program South East Europe - KAS are organizing in Bucharest a regional conference on "Building a Fair and Reliable Judiciary".

Expert conference

Independence Defined is Independence Defended?

Conference on Integrity of Justice

Together with its partner CEDEM (Center for Democracy and Human Rights), the KAS-Rule of Law Program South East Europe is organizing a conference on „Independence Defined is Independence Defended?" in Becici/Montenegro.


2nd Regional KAS-Alumni Meeting South East Europe - Legal Fields

Commemorating 60 Years of the German Basic Law: Constitution Making and Constitutional Reform in Germany and SEE

In 2009, the Rule of Law Program South East Europe will continue its efforts to maintain and foster the contacts with KAS-alumni in SEE and thus contribute to the 60th anniversary of the German constitution, the Grundgesetz.

Study and Information Program

Promotion of Judicial Adjudication in SEE

Study and Dialogue Program for Constitutional Court Judges from Bosnia and Herz

Study and Dialogue Program for Constitutional Court Judges from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) from 31 March until 3 April 2009 in the Federal Republic of Germany


The Rule of Law and EU Accession

Lecture with discussion at the University of Bucharest

Lecture within the Program “Professionals in International Relations and European Studies” at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest.


Conference "New Europe – But how does she look like?"

Opening Conference to the Documentary Film Festival "One World Romania"

The Czech Centre Bucharest in collaboration with The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and New Europe College have the pleasure of inviting you to the conference ‚New Europe – But how does she look like?’.


One World Romania 2009

Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

The Human Rights Documentary Film Festival takes place already for the second time and is supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The intention is to sensibilize in particular young people with documentary films on different human rights topics.


Opening event to One World Romania

A personal report by Stefanie Schwibode

A genuine inducement to “Think for yourself!“, this years' edition of the documentary film festival on human rights One World Romania started with a three-hour event full of passion, full of joy – full of life itself!

Expert conference

3rd German-Romanian Criminal Law Conference

The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the German-Romanian Lawyers' Association (DRJV) organize the 3rd German-Romanian Criminal Law Conference on February, 28th in Cluj, Romania.

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Die Zukunft des Westlichen Balkans liegt in der EU

8. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz

Wenige Wochen vor dem nächsten Gipfel des Berliner Prozesses in Tirana lud die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung am 20. September 2023 zum 8. Mal zur Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz ein. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Formats tauschten sich zu Lösungsansätzen und Verbesserungspotenzialen beim Ausbau der Verkehrsinfrastruktur aus und setzten sich mit den Gefahren von Desinformation auseinander. Darüber hinaus wurden geopolitische Herausforderungen ausführlich beleuchtet.

Conference “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro”

Presentation of the publication “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro” and panel discussion on ongoing challenges in the Rule of Law in Montenegro

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with CEDEM (Centre for Democracy and Human Rights) organized an online conference in hybrid form (online and offline) to present the analysis "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro".

Young lawyers from Romania visit German judicial authorities

Meeting in Berlin

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSP SOE) pursues the goal of promoting particularly qualified young lawyers from the countries of South East Europe. In this context, the large-scale young legal leaders programme "Leaders for Justice" for young Romanian lawyers was initiated in 2010. Despite the special circumstances, a visit by a small group of young lawyers to Berlin was also possible in 2020.

Presentation of the Romanian translation of the publication -Covid-19 and the impact on human rights

An event for judges, prosecutors and lawyers from the Republic of Moldova, Romania with guests from Armenia

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with "The Aire Centre" and "Civil Right Defenders", organised an online event presenting the Romanian translation publication "Covid-19 and the Impact on Human Rights".

One World Romania (OWR) and the RLPSEE

This is the event report of the meeting with One World Romania (OWR) where the RLPSEE handed over a full set of equipments.

Digitalization of the judiciary

Online panel discussion with judges and IT law experts from Estonia, Germany and Romania

This is the event report on the first online panel discussion 2021 on the topic of the digitalization of justice.

KAS/Marco Urban

Die Zukunft der Erweiterungspolitik und die transatlantische Partnerschaft

Westbalkan Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin

Unter strengen Hygienevorschriften fand am 7. September in Berlin im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die 5. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung statt.

Louisa Heuss / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

"Am allerwichtigsten ist es, das Vertrauen der EU-Bürger zu gewinnen"

Laura Kövesi über ihre neue Rolle als Leiterin der Europäischen Generalstaatsanwaltschaft

Bis Ende 2020 soll die neu gegründete Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft ihre Tätigkeit in Luxemburg aufnehmen. Geleitet wird sie von der Rumänin Laura Kövesi. Die 46-Jährige stellte sich und ihre Behörde jetzt bei einer Veranstaltung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung vor. Als langjährige Antikorruptions-Ermittlerin in Rumänien bringt sie viel und vor allem intensive Erfahrung mit.

Regional "Rule of Law Forum South East Europe in Dubrovnik

Sixth Annual Forum on State of the Rule of Law in South East Europe

On 22 / 23 March 2019, the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RLP SEE) of the KAS together with AIRE Centre and Civil Rights Defenders organized a regional forum on the current jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) with respect to children´s rights.

God and Democracy

A Handbook on the Rights of Religious Communities and the Freedom of Relgion in the Republic of Macedonia

The Faculty of Law “Iustinianius Primus” of the University “Saints Cyril and Methodius” Skopje in cooperation with the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe conducted a study on the rule of law and the current situation of the religious communities within the constitutional system of the Republic of Macedonia.