Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Lebanon’s Administrative Judiciary and its Implication on the Country’s Rule of Law

What is administrative jurisdiction and why is it important for a country?

Countries in the MENA region currently lack thorough and stable administrative judiciary systems, which in turn reinforces the people’s lack of confidence towards it. Hence, a wave of recent reforms and changes within the administrative judiciary has appeared in order to implement and ensure the proper application of justice, as well as to increase and enhance the effective access to it.

reuters/Muhammad Hamed

Covid-19 in Nahost und Nordafrika

Belastungsprobe für eine instabile Region

Die globale Ausbreitung des neuartigen Coronavirus wird für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika zu einer zusätzlichen Belastungsprobe. Vielerorts bestimmten politische und wirtschaftliche Krisen bereits den Alltag, sind staatliche Strukturen und Legitimität nur schwach ausgeprägt. In den fortwährenden Transformationsprozessen der Region könnte die Pandemie als Katalysator wirken. Die Corona-Krise wirft damit nicht nur Fragen zur Krisenreaktions- und Widerstandsfähigkeit der betroffenen Staaten und ihre Gesundheitssystemen auf, sondern auch zu den politischen und sozioökonomischen Folgen in einer Region, deren Entwicklung immer auch Folgen für Europa nach sich zieht.

Selection and Remuneration of Court Appointed Experts

Theory and Practice in International Comparison

The aim of this study is to provide access to comparative material that may serve countries seeking to reform their own rules of procedure to develop their own set of rules, fitting to the individual country-specific situation and legal system.

The Control of the Constitutionality of Treaties

This bilingual volume (French/Arabic) is the result of a workshop held on October 25 and 26, 2018 at the University La Sagesse, organized by the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa in partnership with the Lebanese Center for International Studies.

Independent Regulatory Agencies and Administrative Governance in MENA Countries

Call for Abstracts

International Conference , April 2020 – UAE University

Supporting the Rule of Law Worldwide

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Rule of Law Programme

Why do many countries around the world have such a strong demand for German law and German legal culture? The following brochure will answer this question. Furthermore, you will get an insight into our work. The individual regional projects present their main areas of work.

The Rule of Law and the Right to Vote

A Comparative Approach

The study is analyzing three Arab countries, Lebanon, Tunisia and Egypt amidst the political transformations that have been endured respectively since 2005 and 2011.

Constitutional Jurisdiction in Germany

Translated Decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court into Arabic

The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany has been inaugurated on September 28, 1951, in order to prevent every misfeasance of the constitution. Through the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz), which has been in force since 1949, fundamental rights are guaranteed to individuals, some to all human beings, some to citizens of Germany only. Their interpretation and enforcement by the Federal Constitutional Court has been of utmost significance in turning Basic Law from a technical instrument into an identity shaping national document.

On the Lebanese Judiciary

On the Lebanese Judiciary In cooperation with the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa, The Legal Agenda, a Lebanese NGO specialized in legal reform projects, published a series of articles on the Lebanese Judiciary in 2018.

Administrative decisions in in light of recalcitrant administration

A study of the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa and Justicia.