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Democratic Dialogue
Workshops for Civic Education and History for Romanian Students

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There are currently no events planned.

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Expert talk

Germany’s strategy on China in European context

The Romanian Dipomatic Institute and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are jointly analyzing Germany's new China strategy and its impact on Europe

Live stream

The KAS Day 2023

From Influencer to "Sinnfluencer"?


War Up Close

Russian propaganda and its consequences in Ukraine

On 20 July 2023, the Romania Country Office of the Konrad Adnenauer Foundation will open the exhibition "War up close" on the consequences of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine in the European Capital of Culture Timișoara/Temeshwar in the Comenduirea Garnizoanei.

Study and Information Program

Business Intelligence & Economic Warfare

Dialogue programme for Romanian experts and students to Germany

Democratically minded intelligence and security services that are bound by the rule of law are essential for the protection of liberal democracy. We bring Romanian students from the "Master of Business Intelligence" course to Germany for an intensive exchange program.

Book presentation

Eastern European perspectives for a new European security architecture

Presentation of a study

Expert conference

Information visit on Romania's security and defence policy

Dialogue programme for journalists from Germany

Comprehensive reporting in Germany on security and defence policy developments in Southern Eastern Europe requires well-informed and networked specialist journalists. In the period 17-19 May 2023, the Romania Office offers a dialogue programme for journalists from Germany to Romania on the topic of security and defence policy.

Expert talk

E for Economy

Ongoing discussion series on current economic developments in Romaniamänien


KAS Romania supports a series of lectures on German foreign and security policy

Bachelor's and master's students at the University of Bucharest's Faculty for Political Science get to know Germany's perspective on the global stage


Herbstschule: Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen im rumänischen Kommunismus

7. Auflage

Live stream

Europe Forum

Visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova

On 4 April 2022 from 7:30 p.m. - the evening before the donor conference - the German public will have the opportunity to learn more about the humanitarian situation of Ukrainian refugees and the consequences of the refugee movement for the Republic of Moldova from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilița, at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin. The event will be held in English. simultaneous interpretation will be provided in german.

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Rumäniens Sicherheit nach dem NATO-Gipfel

Rede des rumänischen Staatspräsidenten anlässlich des 1. KAS-Forums zur Europäischen Politik am 16.4.2008 in Bukarest

Securitatea Romaniei dupa Summit-ul NATO

Discursul Presedintelui Basescu cu ocazia lansarii Forumului Konrad Adenauer pe politica europeana.

Staatspräsident Traian Basescu spricht bei KAS-Forum in Bukarest

Der rumänische Staatspräsident Traian Basescu war Redner des 1. Konrad-Adenauer-Forums zur Europäischen Politik in Bukarest. In seiner Rede, die von mehreren rumänischen Fernsehstationen live übertragen wurde, zum Thema „Die Sicherheit Rumäniens nach dem NATO-Gipfel“ zog Basescu eine positive Bilanz des Gipfels.

Die Europadebatte der rumänischen Kirchen

Botschaft Seiner Allheiligkeit Daniel, Patriarch der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche

Pensiile romanilor: intre reforma si contrareforma

Raportul "Pensiile romanilor: intre reforma si contrareforma" a fost lansat ca o concluzie la dezbaterea organizata de KAS si SAR in data de 19. martie, in care partidele politice si-au exprimat punctele de vedere fata de sistemul de pensii din Romania.

Orthodoxie in Europa

Eröffnungsrede von Dr. Günter Dill

Dr. Günter Dill, Leiter der Außenstelle Bukarest eröffnete mit folgendem Vortrag die internationale Konferenz „Orthodoxie in Europa“.

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