Publications on the topic of “Democracy needs Participation” - Security – Innovation – Democracy
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Publications on the topic of “Democracy needs Participation”
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Pexels - Mike Chai
Ukraine & Moldova after the 2020 Local & Presidential Elections
Mariia Kravchenko and Angela Grămadă on the State of Democracy, Reforms and the Road Ahead
Both Ukraine and Moldova held important elections in late 2020 with local councils all over Ukraine and the presidential office in Chisinau in play. At the same time, the two countries are facing major common challenges in their political and economic systems, struggling with difficult reforms, corruption, polarized societies and more or less frozen conflicts on their territories. This paper seeks to analyze the election campaigns, the vote
itself and its consequences for the outlook in both Ukraine and Moldova.
January 25, 2021
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Ziad Fhema / flickr / CC BY 2.0 /
Libya's fateful year
Where does Libya stand one year after the Berlin Libya Conference?
2020 Libya set an important course for achieving (security-relevant) political and economic progress towards a sustainable political solution to the conflict that has been ongoing since 2011. The Berlin Conference on Libya convened by Chancellor Merkel on 19 January 2020 was a significant contribution on that way. Parliamentary and presidential elections are scheduled to take place in the North African country on 24 December 2021. The first weeks of this year will show whether this remains a realistic scenario. If the agreed deadline to withdraw all foreign fighters from Libya by 21 January is not met, Libya will once again start an uncertain and probably turbulent year.
Dr. Thomas Volk
January 14, 2021
Country Reports
Brett Davis / flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0 /
Sturm auf die Parlamente
Anmerkungen zum Umgang mit der neurechten Symbolstrategie
Die Bilder des Sturms aufs US-Kapitol gingen um die Welt und riefen Erinnerungen an die Tumulte um den Reichstag wach. Ohne Zweifel weisen die „Stürme“ auf die Parlamente in Washington und Berlin Unterschiede auf – allerdings lassen sich einige Parallelen nicht wegdiskutieren. Was haben wir für Möglichkeiten, um angemessen mit der neurechten Symbolstrategie umzugehen?
Tobias Montag
January 11, 2021
"Wirklich überraschend kam die Eskalation nicht"
Paul Linnarz, Leiter unseres Büros in Washington, im Interview über die Ereignisse
Anhänger des abgewählten amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump haben gestern das Kapitol gestürmt. Die gemeinsame Sitzung von Senat und Repräsentantenhaus zur Zertifizierung der Präsidentschaftswahlergebnisse musste unterbrochen werden. Nach Polizeiangaben kamen vier Menschen ums Leben. "Zu dieser Stunde wird unsere Demokratie beispiellos angegriffen", erklärte der gewählte US-Präsident Joe Biden angesichts der Ereignisse, "ich bin wirklich schockiert und traurig, dass unsere Nation - so lange Leuchtfeuer und Hoffnung für Demokratie - an so einem dunklen Moment angekommen ist."
January 7, 2021
Post-legislative scrutiny
International principles and oversight in Kosovo
The purpose of this brief is precisely to evaluate the work of the Assembly in terms of oversight on implementation of legislation. The highest legislative body in the country has been subject to repeated criticism in the European Commission Country Report on Kosovo, for poor performance in its oversight role. The brief starts with an analysis of the legal framework that vests the Assembly with legislative oversight powers, to establish if there are gaps in this regard, and follows with a comparative analysis of different legislatures since 2008. Lastly, there is a review of reports adopted by the Assembly covering the oversight on implementation of legislation and an examination whether the provisions that could not be implemented in practice have been identified. Additionally, this paper examines the international practices in the oversight on implementation of legislation, respectively the efforts being made by parliaments in developed democracies, parliaments in neighboring countries and those aspiring European Union (EU) membership.
January 6, 2021
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picture alliance / AP Images | George R. Skadding
Gründervater der freien Welt – Franklin D. Roosevelt und die Four Freedoms
Mit den "Four Freedoms" hinterließ Roosevelt seinem Land eine neue politische Tradition, die das nationale Interesse durch ein weltweites Engagement für die Freiheit definierte. Für den Fortbestand des Liberalismus ist diese Traditionslinie unverzichtbar.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Oppermann
January 5, 2021
Matthias Berg / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 /
Conspiracy in Crisis
Representative Surveys on Belief in Conspiracy Theories before and during the Covid-19 Crisis
Conspiracy theories have gained special attention in the Covid-19 crisis. For instance, the impression emerged of a widely held belief in a Covid-19 conspiracy, according to which the virus was fabricated or its danger far exaggerated. Further, it was assumed that belief in conspiracy theories has increased significantly in the course of the Covid-19 crisis. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung investigated both questions in representative surveys.
Dr. Jochen Roose
December 20, 2020
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This booklet is a compilation of the most important articles of the
Constitution of Kenya as well as excerpts from relevant legislation and
state policies with regard to areas in which women and girls are likely to
face discrimination. In addition, this booklet contains a list of institutions
where women and girls can seek help if they feel that their rights have
been violated.
December 17, 2020
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Internet and Pandemic in the Americas
First health crisis in the digital age
Nine Latin American authors analyse the relationship between the Internet and COVID-19 from different perspectives.
Winfried Weck, Elaine Ford
December 17, 2020
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Local Action Guide
Produced from a partnership between KAS Brazil and Engajamundo, the Local Action Guide helps Brazilian youth to recognize themselves as agents of change, especially at the local level, offering tools and methodologies to engage in transforming the realities of their communities and surroundings. Despite being an invitation to youth, the guide is a great material for anyone who wants to be more involved in local politics.