Publications on the topic of “Democracy needs Participation” - Security – Innovation – Democracy
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Publications on the topic of “Democracy needs Participation”
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Maurice Koop / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0
Vietnam elects new President
Van Thuong is the youngest head of state to date in the one-party state and is considered a confidante of the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Vietnam
In mid-January, shortly before the traditional Vietnamese New Year festival of Tet, news of the resignation of former President Nguyen Xuan Phuc drew some political attention to the one-party state, which is otherwise characterized by political stability and economic dynamism. The resignation of the president, apparently in the context of an anti-corruption campaign, made it necessary to appoint a new head of state. On March 2, Vietnam's National Assembly confirmed 52-year-old Vo Van Thuong as the new president with 487 out of 488 votes in an extraordinary session. Thuong, a dyed-in-the-wool communist, is said to be a confidant of Nguyen Phu Trong, the 78-year-old general secretary of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).
Florian Feyerabend
March 9, 2023
Country Reports
Centrul FILIA
On 8 March: Women's Day in Romania
There is still a long way to go for equal opportunities and equal rights
Women's Day is traditionally celebrated in Romania on 8 March. The lack of equal opportunities and equal rights for women in Romanian society is a topic discussed on this day. In addition, this day is also celebrated as Mother's Day. Children paint, do handicrafts and sing for their mothers. There are flowers, chocolates and recognition from family, friends and colleagues. In our report, we focus on the socio-political aspects of Women's Day. Unfortunately, the situation of women in Romania is not rosy.
Katja Christina Plate
March 9, 2023
Country Reports
Reuters / Yves Herman
Parliamentary elections in Estonia 2023: Tailwind for Kaja Kallas - but how stable is the country?
Estonian reform party wins elections with 31.1 percent
At the beginning of March, a new parliament was elected in Estonia. The election campaign was largely determined by the war in Ukraine and security policy issues. The Estonian Reform Party won the elections with 31.1 per cent of the vote. Kaja Kallas, the party's leader and prime minister, was confirmed in office. However, the real winner of the election is Eesti 200, which will enter the Estonian parliament for the first time. Overall, voter turnout increased compared to the 2019 elections. Never before have so many votes been cast online as this year; a new method of calculating votes was also used for the first time. Politically, the result provides a basis for a possible deepening split in Estonian society - especially in the north-east of the country.
Oliver Morwinsky, Sveta Pääru
March 7, 2023
Country Reports
Reuters / POOL New
Israel im Schatten der Justizreform - aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Demokratie
Steht die Gewaltenteilung auf dem Spiel?
„We are no longer in a political debate, but on the brink of constitutional and social collapse“ - Israel am Rande eines verfassungsrechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenbruchs - so der israelische Staatspräsident Jitzchak Herzog in einer emotionalen Fernsehansprache vom 12. Februar, die die Dramatik der aktuellen innenpolitischen Situation in Israel verdeutlicht. Anlass dieser - für israelische Staatspräsidenten eher ungewöhnlichen - Rede an die Nation war die andauernde Debatte um die von der Regierung Benjamin Netanjahu geplante Justizreform. Diese hat das Land in eine historische Verfassungskrise und Krise der inneren Verfasstheit gleichermaßen gestürzt und stellt die Demokratie vor große Herausforderungen.
Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy
March 6, 2023
Country Reports
Reuters / Mike Segar
One year after Russia's invasion: What is the state of international solidarity with Ukraine?
Andrea Ellen Ostheimer
February 24, 2023
Country Reports
KAS RP Parteiendialog
Latin American women fight for their place in party politics
Quotas and quarrels
It was not only at the last CDU party conference that women's quotas were passionately debated. The question of how to achieve an adequate representation of women in the political arena is also driving Latin American parties. This is especially true for centre-right parties, which are looking for their own answers to the clearly audible feminist movements in the region.
Sebastian Grundberger, Kristin Langguth
February 15, 2023
Country Reports
KAS/ACDP, Plakatsammlung
Christlich-Sozial? Liberal? Konservativ?
Die CDU zwischen gestern und morgen
Die CDU steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Wie sieht die Zukunft der Partei aus? Was sind ihre Antworten auf die Fragen der Zeit? Der Blick in die Geschichte zeigt, was die CDU stark gemacht hat und wofür sie steht.
February 9, 2023
Single title
Challenges for Women in Political Parties in Malaysia and Acceleration Strategies to Leadership in Politics
by Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan
The findings presented in this comprehensive study illustrate that the challenges faced by women in the political parties reflect similar challenges to those faced by women in the past. The reality of women in the political parties have not changed much over time, which shed light on why the political domain appears as the biggest gender gap compared to other domains. Despite educational advancement in the country, women continue to lag behind men in politics.
February 8, 2023
Single title
Reuters / Kacper Pempel
The Polish opposition ahead of the 2023 parliamentary elections: How likely are political changes in Warsaw?
If the opposition does not reconcile and move forward together in the upcoming elections then it could give PiS the opportunity for a third term in office.
Voter’s in Germany’s largest eastern neighbour will be called to the polls this autumn. This election will decide on both chambers of parliament, the Sejm and the Senate. The opposition parties see this as a chance to vote out the PiS-led national conservative government. Although the year has only just begun, Poland’s focus is centered on the upcoming election campaign and the possibility of a change in power. Against this background, the analysis focuses on the polish opposition and explores scenarios for internal cooperation.
David Gregosz, Dr. Daniel Lemmen, Dr. Piotr Womela
February 1, 2023
Country Reports
DP Enfoque Nro. 11 Construir la utopía democrática
Sobre la construcción de órdenes democráticos realmente dignos de este nombre
Para avanzar en la construcción de democracias plenas debemos dejar de limitarnos a aceptar con resignación nuestras prácticas e instituciones actuales. No hay nada de natural ni de inexorable en la política tal como la conocemos hoy. Los intelectuales están convocados al foro para dejar su testimonio. Las ciencias sociales, en general, especialmente la ciencia política, están demasiado orientadas a buscar explicaciones sobre lo que existe y muy poco orientadas a elaborar soluciones. Hay que recuperar o, mejor dicho, seguir recuperando el espíritu crítico y volver a desarrollar la reflexión normativa.