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Publications on the topic of “Democracy needs Participation”

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Blair Gable / Reuters

The Canadians look ahead with mixed feelings

Economic and social issues dominate the demoscopic picture at the start of 2023 - and Prime Minister Trudeau gets poor marks

Traditionally, the relevant Canadian polling institutes present the results of their most important, latest surveys at the beginning of the year. They serve as a barometer of the population's mood on key issues for the coming twelve months. At the beginning of 2023, probably the most important finding from the wealth of data is that Canadians feel that they and their country are in a permanent crisis. The reasons for this are manifold and have both geopolitical and domestic political backgrounds. Politicians seem to have failed so far to effectively counter the pessimistic trend, neither through people nor through policy designs. However, the survey results also contain some paradoxes.

Unsplash / Claudio Schwarz

Right in the Middle, not out on the Sidelines? – Representation and Participation of Women in Europe

Results of a Comparative, Representative Survey in Germany, Italy, Croatia, Poland and Sweden

In a representative survey, attitudes towards the perception of gender equality, stereotypes and gender roles were examined in Germany, Italy, Croatia, Poland and Sweden. The study shows the perspectives of different national populations on women's representation and participation. The results enable classifications, comparisons and conclusions on strengthening the role of women in politics and society.

Reuters / Yara Nardi

Giorgia Meloni's wondrous transformation

There was no lack of dire prophecies when the Fratelli d'Italia under Giorgia Meloni, which emerged from neo-fascist movements, clearly won the parliamentary elections on 25 September 2022. But in the first 100 days since taking office, the new right-wing government has been emphatically moderate. Not a few had expected Prime Minister Meloni to slip at the first opportunity on the international stage. But it is not only her outward appearance that has become very smooth. Thematically, she never misses an opportunity to make a clear commitment to Italy's obligations in NATO and the EU. On the subject of Ukraine, Rome is in the front line. And the scandal with France over the landing of refugee ships remained a single anti-European uproar. Without any ambiguity, Meloni has clearly distanced herself from the neo-fascist roots of her party on several occasions and has condemned Mussolini's racial laws, which led to the deportation of Jewish Italians to the extermination camps from 1943 onwards. In opinion polls, the Fratelli d'Italia are currently at 30-32 per cent. And more and more observers are wondering whether Meloni wants to move her hitherto strictly nationalist party to the centre-right in order to lead a new conservative party in Italy in the future.

REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli 

Terror threatens Brazil's democracy, but it resists

Extremist riots against the country's democratic institutions overshadow a week-long honeymoon after the inauguration of President Lula da Silva

After the peaceful inauguration of President Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT) on 01 January 2023, the "return to democracy" was overshadowed by violent terrorist attacks on Brazil's democratic institutions. However, even though the buildings and installations have been vandalised by extremists, their functioning has so far remained unaffected. Lula now faces the challenge of continuing to guarantee public security, overcoming polarisation, targeting extremism and implementing his government plans despite the minority in Congress and budget constraints. In this, the international community is backing him. But even though many embraced him joyfully after his inauguration, relieved about the change of government, one has to ask whether the enthusiasm still lasts when it comes to topics such as Ukraine or the EU-Mercosul agreement.

D. Myles Cullen

Zeit für Neues in Venezuela

Opposition beendet Interimsregierung um Juan Guaidó

Am 30. Dezember 2022 beschloss die Nationalversammlung Venezuelas von 2015, laut eigenem Verständnis weiterhin das legitime Parlament, die Beendigung der Interimsregierung um Juan Guaidó. Mit Abschaffung der fast vierjährigen Interimsregierung trägt die Opposition den mangelnden Erfolgen dieses Instruments sowie den geänderten Realitäten im In- und Ausland Rechnung und geht in eine neue Etappe. Das Bündnis Plataforma Unitaria (Einheitsplattform), die Vertretung der Opposition im sogenannten Mexiko-Dialog mit der Regierung, und weitere oppositionelle Kräfte gewinnen nach Ende der Interimspräsidentschaft an Bedeutung. Für die Opposition gilt es, im Mexiko-Dialog neben Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der humanitären Lage die bestmöglichen Bedingungen für die Präsidentschaftswahlen im Jahr 2024 auszuhandeln.

REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

Südafrika: Viele Krisen und ein bisschen Hoffnung

Südafrika-Experte Gregor Jaecke im Interview über Südafrikas Schattenseiten und Chancen für die deutsche Wirtschaft

In den vergangenen Tagen war viel von Südafrika die Rede. Präsident Ramaphosa werden Rechtsbrüche und Verstöße gegen seinen Amtseid vorgeworfen. Gleichzeitig machte die Reise von Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck auf Südafrikas Stellung als führende Wirtschaftsmacht auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent aufmerksam und die damit verbundene Hoffnung, grüne Energieträger zugunsten des Kontinents und auch Deutschlands massiv auszubauen. Wir sprechen mit Gregor Jaecke, der in Kürze als Auslandsmitarbeiter der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung seinen Posten in der Republik Südafrika antreten wird, und nutzen die Gelegenheit, um über die allgemeine politische und sozioökonomische Lage sowie über die zahlreichen Herausforderungen, denen das Land am Kap gegenübersteht, zu reden.


Herzflimmern der Demokratie?

Parlamentarismus in Deutschland und Europa

Andreas Biefang / Dominik Geppert / Marie-Luise Recker / Andreas Wirsching (Hrsg.): Parlamentarismus in Deutschland von 1815 bis zur Gegenwart. Historische Perspektiven auf die repräsentative Demokratie, Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 2022, 476 Seiten, 49,90 Euro. Ines Soldwisch: Das Europäische Parlament 1979–2004. Inszenierung, Selbst(er)findung und politisches Handeln der Abgeordneten, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 2021, 302 Seiten, 59,00 Euro.

Beyond the binary: examining dynamic youth voter behaviour in South Africa

The 2021 South African local government elections continued a trend of dissipating turnout among young voters. How should we assess this development?

Stockfotos-MG /

Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht im internationalen Vergleich

It’s complicated!

Die Ampel möchte ihr Versprechen aus dem Koalitionsvertrag einlösen, ein „modernes Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht“ zu schaffen. Kernpunkte sind die Einführung der doppelten Staatsbürgerschaft und die Verkürzung der für die Einbürgerung zu erfüllenden Fristen: Diese soll nunmehr nach fünf Jahren möglich sein, bei besonderer Integrationsleistung bereits nach drei Jahren. Die Reformvorschläge für die Einbürgerung, um die es im Folgenden allein gehen wird, sind nur ein Teil der geplanten Gesetzespakete in Sachen Migration/Integration und strikt von Fragen zu Einwanderung zu trennen.

35th Special Session of UN Human Rights Council on Islamic Republic of Iran

Map of the Month 11/2022

In light of the violent crackdown on protests following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Iran, Germany and Iceland on 11 November officially requested to hold a special session of the UN Human Rights Council to address the increasingly deteriorating human rights situation, “especially with respect to women and children”. The 35th special session, which was the first one held on Iran, took place on 24 November. Prior to the debate, the initiative has received the support of a total of 51 states: 17 Council members and 34 observer states. According to UN figures, well over 300 people have been killed so far and tens of thousands have been arrested, many possibly facing the death penalty. Numerous UN special rapporteurs and working groups had called for the session to be held and for an international investigation mechanism to be established. With 25 votes in favor, 6 against and 16 abstentions, the Council indeed established an independent international fact finding mission to investigate alleged violations related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022. In the last minute, China had put forward an oral amendment which aimed at abolishing the mechanism. It was rejected with 6 to 25 and 15 abstentions.