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Publications on the topic of “Sustainability needs Innovation”

Asset Publisher

Konsultation zum 3. Nationalen Aktionsplan der Open Government Partnership

Stellungnahme unserer Experten


Nature – a Legal Subject: Could the Colombian model work for Germany?

In sensational rulings, Colombia's High Courts have granted natural features such as the Atrato River and the Colombian Amazon legal personality.

In view of growing climate litigation in Germany, Colombia's jurisprudence, which grants rights to rivers, forests and animals, is getting increasing attention in this country. The German legal tradition is no stranger to recognizing rights in favor of entities that are not natural persons, for example legal persons. However, granting subjective rights in favor of the environment might shift the sovereignty to interpret such rights from the legislature to the courts.


Verbieten kann jeder

Die Klimakrise wird zur Bewährungsprobe für die offene Gesellschaft

Opportunities for Circular Economy in Africa’s Mining Sector

During the annual meeting of the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), KAS presented a report on Opportunities for Circular Economy in Africa’s Mining Sector. The mining sector provides a significant economic contribution to African countries, at the same time minerals and metals from the continent are needed for a transition to a low carbon economy and thus demand and markets are expected to increase significantly over the next years. It is therefore crucial to enhance opportunities for sustainable mining practices and operations

Global, aber nicht zentral

Technologie im Kontext eines "neuen Klimaregimes"

(Joenomias) Menno de Jong from Pixabay

Bewegung statt Stillstand

Orientierungen zu einer nachhaltigen Mobilität

Ansporn zum Umbau

Impulse zur Transformation der Industrie

"Spinning Jenny" zum Quadrat

Innovation als Schlüssel für Klimaneutralität und Wachstum

Moon Jae In trifft Joe Biden

Gipfeltreffen zwischen Südkorea und den USA zu COVID19-Impfungen, Halbleitermangel und der neuen US-Politik gegenüber Nordkorea

Als zweiten ausländischen Regierungschef überhaupt empfing der US-Präsident Joe Biden seinen südkoreanischen Amtskollegen Moon Jae In im Weißen Haus. Das bestätigt die zurückgewonnene Wichtigkeit der Alliierten im Indo-Pazifik-Raum für Biden. Auf der Agenda standen COVID19-Impfungen, der durch Digitalisierung und Pandemie bedingte Halbleitermangel sowie die neue Nordkorea-Politik der USA. Auch in seinem letzten Amtsjahr hält Moon Jae In dabei an seiner Hoffnung auf Verhandlungen und Frieden mit Pjöngjang fest.

Jaxport / flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0 /

International Trade and Sustainability

In terms of sustainability, global trade is already better than its reputation suggests – but a clear set of rules can further improve this

The concept of sustainability encompasses the dimensions of ecology, economy and social issues in a holistic way. International trade, too, can hardly be viewed separately from issues of sustainability. If the effects are viewed spatially on a local, regional and global level, international trade with a focus on the social and ecological dimension appears to be advantageous overall, but there is a need for action with regard to the ecological dimension.