Asset Publisher

Publications on the topic of “Sustainability needs Innovation”

Asset Publisher

An Agenda for U.S. Election Cybersecurity

William T. Adler and Mallory Knodel are with the Center for Democracy & Technology, a non-partisan, non-profit U.S.-based civil society organization that works globally to defend human rights and civil liberties online. In this report for KAS, they explore the challenges of maintaining security in U.S. elections and how election officials and policymakers might best address them. While focused on American elections, they hope that some of the findings can also provide guidance for other countries.

The Role of Internet Technology in the Development of Pro-democracy Movements

The Cases of Protests in Ukraine in 2013–2014 and in Belarus in 2020

Authoritarian governments are unable to effectively counteract the new formats of horizontal decentralized protests. It is the main finding of the research «The Role of Internet Technology in the Development of Pro-democracy Movements. The Cases of Protests in Ukraine in 2013–2014 and in Belarus in 2020» by Internews Ukraine with the support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation Ukraine.

Manouchehr Shamsrizi

„Wir wissen, dass es diese Einflussnahme gibt“

KASkonkret_#35: Unsere Interviewreihe zu den Fragen der Zeit

Videospiele eignen sich hervorragen, um Weltanschauungen zu verbreiten. Welche Risiken und Chancen das für die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik bietet, darüber spricht Manouchehr Shamsrizi, Mit-Gründer des Gamelab Berlin und Fellow der DGAP, in Folge 35 von #KASkonkret.


Präsident Biden stärkt die Wissenschaft

"Chief Scientific Advisor" - ein Modell für Deutschland?

Mit dem Wechsel des US-Präsidenten erhält die Stimme der Wissenschaft wieder ein größeres Gewicht. Wäre ein Chief Scientific Advisor nach amerikanischen Vorbild auch eine Möglichkeit, evidenzbasierte Politikberatung in Deutschland weiter zu stärken?

Multilateralism: Latin American Perspectives

Peace diplomacy and international cooperation in Latin America

This publication is a contribution to promote international cooperation and multilateralism. As the title suggests, it takes stock of the strength with which multilateral thinking and action are historically anchored in certain Latin American countries, the long-term positions that different countries can adopt on this basis, and the policies favored by current governments with respect to multilateral cooperation.

Stefan Welsch

„20 bis 30 Prozent der Busse werden künftig mit Wasserstoff fahren“

KASkonkret_#34: Unsere Interviewreihe zu Fragen der Zeit

Europas größte wasserstoffbetriebene Busflotte fährt in der rheinischen Stadt Hürth. Mit dem Chef der örtlichen Stadtwerke sprachen wir in Folge 34 von #KASkonkret über Investitionen in die Zukunft, die Herausforderung mit den Tankstellen und politische Maßnahmen.

© NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Román, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center; Kirsty Pargeter/

Analysis of current global AI developments with a focus on Europe

Europe has to play a leading role in key digital technologies such as artificial intelligence. This was not only emphasized by Ursula von der Leyen in her inaugural speech as President of the EU Commission. It is also the tenor of numerous European AI strategies. In terms of this claim, our new study confirms that Europe has enormous untapped potential. If Europe wants to compete with the leading AI powers in this basic technology of digitization, the weaknesses of its ai innovation ecosystem must be addressed in a decisive manner.

© NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Román, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center; Kirsty Pargeter/

AI and Europe – Aspiration and Reality

Results of the Study: Analysis of Current Global AI Developments with a Focus on Europe

AI is the fundamental technology of the digital age. If Europe wants to remain competitive and actively shape the digital age, it has to play a leading role in AI. Our authors Olaf Groth and Tobias Straube show in the study the potential Europe has in terms of AI - but also the lack of action.


From idea to practice

“Building back better” post COVID-19

Article by Manuel Ruiz, senior consultant SPDA, which synthesizes three events we conducted with over 20 specialists to try to build bridges between the declarative and practical for sustainable return post COVID 19 Latin America


Are advancing in the transition of matrix energy in Latin America?

Analysis and considerations

We present this new bulletin, produced together with the SPDA , which recounts and analyzes the situation of the energy transition in Latin America, which we have made so much progress and still have to make.