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Book presentation

Climate Smart Agriculture Training of Trainers in Youth and Vocational Colleges

Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West, Masvingo and the Midlands

Zimbabwean food production is constantly under attack from the negative effects of climate change. In an effort to fight hunger in Zimbabwe,A curriculum review process by the Department of Agriculture Education and Farmer Training revealed that there was limited understanding and teaching of climate smart agriculture as an adaptation intervention with mitigation co-benefits. In response to the identified gap in the current curriculum, the government of Zimbabwe with support from the Climate Technology Centre and Network produced a Climate Smart Agriculture Manual for Professional Level Education in Zimbabwe. UNDP provided additional resources to produce the manual. The Manual was rolled out in 2018 and all public colleges were capacitated through training of trainers’ sessions aiming to strengthen capacities of lecturers to impart CSA practices to trainee extension officers who upon deployment will work directly with farmers and convey CSA practices. The Government saw it fit to extend the programme to youth and vocational centres in Zimbabwe and they partnered the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.


fully booked

Data Journalism Techniques for Election Coverage

Data Reporting and Fact-checking Training for Harare Reporters

The data journalism and fact-checking training for election reporting is particularly relevant now because Zimbabwe is preparing for harmonized elections in 2023.


Capacitation of Industry for Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation

Training of Industry Leaders in the Statutory

Capacitating industry, through collaboration among the Business Council of Sustainable Development Zimbabwe members, should improve climate change MRV in the sector. Tracking of both the climate change mitigation and adaptation progress and outcomes will also be enhanced through enhancing the capacity of industry players.


Data Journalism for Election Reporting

Data Reporting and Fact-checking Training for Bulawayo Reporters

The data journalism and fact-checking training for election reporting is particularly relevant now because Zimbabwe is preparing for by-elections scheduled for March 26, 2022 and harmonized elections next year.


Business Implications of Zimbabwe's Sustainable Energy Policies

Breakfast Meeting

The Business Council of Sustainable Development Zimbabwe and KAS has organised the breakfast meeting to present an opportunity for government and industry to discuss the modalities for a collaborative framework for implementing sustainable energy in the Zimbabwean Industry. The workshop is organised under strict COVID-19 guidelines. A limited number of participants will join physically while the rest will participate virtually. The meeting brings together business leaders, government technocrats and experts in sustainable energy at Monomotapa Hotel on the 22nd of February 2022 from 0730hrs - 0930hrs under the theme, 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's 'Business Implications of Zimbabwe's Sustainable Energy Policies'Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies'Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies'Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies'Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies'Sustainable Energy Policies' Sustainable Energy Policies' . The main agenda is to discuss implications of the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Biofuels policies, recently launched by Government of Zimbabwe. Business risks and opportunities presented by the policies, as well as barriers to their implementation will be highlighted in order to inform appropriate interventions.


Zimbabwe Broadcasting Conference

Broadcasting Conference

MISA Zimbabwe seeks to convene the Regional Broadcasting Conference as part of its broader work to promote access to information, media freedom and media accountability.


EwoH2 Land Rights Village Indaba

Village Head Nkomo Homestead 2021

A village talk with different stakeholders in the community about the strides the community has made to have a more egalitarian access and control of land in the Skali village of Matebeleland North in Zimbabwe. The event was attended by elected officials from the Rural District Council , traditional leadership ranging from the the Lupane Chief, Chief Mabhikwa to the Headman and the Village Head, administration officials from thr government of Zimbabwe but most notably members of the community. The community elected people to speak on their behalf to explain the state of women's land right in the village and also explain what could be done to fasttrack the accessing and control of land by women in the village. The traditional leaders also spoke in a dialogue with government officals discussiong the issues raised by the villagers . This ultimatley led to a legal expert answering questions raised by all those present and also offer legal counsel by a legal expert to those who did not understand where the law stood with regards to the problems faced by the community.


Media Capacity building on reporting climate change information (Northern Regions)

Training of Journalists


Entrepreneurship Training

Youth Entrepreneurship

The training is designed for youths who are engaged in business activities in Zimbabwe.


Petitions and Parliamentary Engagement Workshop

Mobilising and Training Citizens to Petition Parliament

The proposed workshop seeks to enhance awareness of citizens on the parliamentary processes with particular emphasis on parliamentary petitions.

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Harare - Banjul Start-Up Forum

Gambische und simbabwische Jungunternehmer im Austausch

Die Schaffung von Perspektiven für junge Menschen und die Entwicklung der lokalen Landwirtschaft sind Grundvoraussetzungen für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Subsahara-Afrika. In diesem Zusammenhang fand in Kooperation mit dem Auslandsbüro Senegal / Gambia am 28. und 29. Mai das erste Harare - Banjul Start-Up Forum statt.

Enge Verflechtung von politischer Führung und Militär prägt nach wie vor das Machtgefüge

Als das Militär in Harare einrückte und Präsident Mugabe zum Rücktritt zwang, blickte die Welt auf Simbabwe. Viele sahen die Ereignisse als Fanal für Demokratie und wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung. Waren diese Hoffnungen voreilig oder steht der lang erhoffte politische Wandel tatsächlich bevor?

Vernetzung simbabwischer und deutscher Vertreter zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen

Besucher aus Simbabwe in Deutschland

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung waren vergangene Woche Vertreter der simbabwischen Zivilgesellschaft zu Gast in Deutschland. Sie nahmen an der UN- Weltklimakonferenz in Bonn teil und informierten sich über das Zusammenspiel von Staat und Zivilgesellschaft zum Schutz der Umwelt und Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung.

Municipal Environment Policy and National Climate Policy - A Perspective of Implementation

On the 17th of February 2017, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Zimbabwe office teamed up with COMALISO, a local NGO to undertake a workshop/consultative forum in Ruwa on the policy issue of Climate change. The particular question at hand was that of how the National Government Climate change policy was being implemented at municipal level, the idea being that for the national policy to work, various municipalities including grassroots initiatives would have to be in sync with the National governments strategy.

Social Contract: Business Seeks To Preserve Value in A VUCA Environment

On the 16th of February 2017, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Zimbabwe in cooperation with the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe (EMCOZ) organized a conference on the pro-posed Social Contract. The aim of the activity was promoting dialogue between the business community, the ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare as well as the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).