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Creating the Environment for Entrepreneurship and Investment in Zimbabwe

How can the circumstances for sustainable development be improved?How can young people reach their full potential and execute their ideas for economic growth and prosperity?

Specialist conference

The Nexus between municipal Environment Policy and national Climate Policy

National climate change strategies, Relationship between strategies and municipal environment policy, Implementation of adaptation and mitigation


Media Stakeholders Climate Change Workshop


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAF) are set to bring together the key media stakeholders and climate change experts to share knowledge and experience on climate change reportage.


The Nexus Between Mobile Technology, Internet and Social Development in Zimbabwe

Part 2

The Nexus Between Mobile Technology, Internet and Social Development in Zimbabwe (Part 2

Expert panel

"Climate Change in Zimbabwe - the SADC Perspective"

African Farming Solutions



Impact of Climate Change in Zimbabwe

Consultative Forum in Bulawayo

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Zimbabwe in Transition: The Dynamics of Constitution-Making to Date

Public Discussion with Steven Chidawanyika, Director of Information ZANU-PF, Douglas Mwonzora, Member of Parliament MDC-T and John Makumbe, Lecturer University of Zimbabwe

Specialist conference

Women's Rights Reduces Poverty

1. day: background presentation on the development of woman's rights in Africa and panel: "Do women's rights reduce poverty?" 2. day: How do we alleviate poverty through woman's rights? Presentation of experiences.


Leadership Capacity Building for councillors and ward coordinators

The training is based on developing a new mindset towards political and community leadership. It assists to unlock the potential that each leader has to develop self-initiative and therefore empower them to make democratic and values-based decisions.


Leadership Capacity Building for councillors and ward coordinators

The training is based on developing a new mindset towards political and community leadership. It assists to unlock the potential that each leader has to develop self-initiative and therefore empower them to make democratic and values-based decisions.

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Harare - Banjul Start-Up Forum

Gambische und simbabwische Jungunternehmer im Austausch

Die Schaffung von Perspektiven für junge Menschen und die Entwicklung der lokalen Landwirtschaft sind Grundvoraussetzungen für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Subsahara-Afrika. In diesem Zusammenhang fand in Kooperation mit dem Auslandsbüro Senegal / Gambia am 28. und 29. Mai das erste Harare - Banjul Start-Up Forum statt.

Enge Verflechtung von politischer Führung und Militär prägt nach wie vor das Machtgefüge

Als das Militär in Harare einrückte und Präsident Mugabe zum Rücktritt zwang, blickte die Welt auf Simbabwe. Viele sahen die Ereignisse als Fanal für Demokratie und wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung. Waren diese Hoffnungen voreilig oder steht der lang erhoffte politische Wandel tatsächlich bevor?

Vernetzung simbabwischer und deutscher Vertreter zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen

Besucher aus Simbabwe in Deutschland

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung waren vergangene Woche Vertreter der simbabwischen Zivilgesellschaft zu Gast in Deutschland. Sie nahmen an der UN- Weltklimakonferenz in Bonn teil und informierten sich über das Zusammenspiel von Staat und Zivilgesellschaft zum Schutz der Umwelt und Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung.

Municipal Environment Policy and National Climate Policy - A Perspective of Implementation

On the 17th of February 2017, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Zimbabwe office teamed up with COMALISO, a local NGO to undertake a workshop/consultative forum in Ruwa on the policy issue of Climate change. The particular question at hand was that of how the National Government Climate change policy was being implemented at municipal level, the idea being that for the national policy to work, various municipalities including grassroots initiatives would have to be in sync with the National governments strategy.

Social Contract: Business Seeks To Preserve Value in A VUCA Environment

On the 16th of February 2017, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Zimbabwe in cooperation with the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe (EMCOZ) organized a conference on the pro-posed Social Contract. The aim of the activity was promoting dialogue between the business community, the ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare as well as the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).