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Event Reports


Treffen hochrangiger Vertreter der religiösen Gemeinschaften Tansanias zu Friedensbildung und religiöser Toleranz

Zweite Runde

Am 20. und 21. Februar kamen erneut Spitzenvertreter der religiösen Gemeinschaften Tansanias in Dar es Salaam zu einem Dialog zum Thema Friedensbildung zusammen. Ziel war es unter anderem, eine gemeinsame Resolution zu entwerfen, die die Regierung Tansanias dazu bewegen soll, die anhaltenden religiösen Spannungen im Land ernster zu nehmen und religiösen Angelegenheiten künftig einen angemesseneren Stellenwert einzuräumen.

Peacebuilding in Tanzania

Contributions of the Quran teachers

“Peace is a blessing given by God to man. It must be maintained at any cost” - stated Sheikh Alli Muhidin Mkorogole, Deputy Kadhi of Tanzania in his key note speech during a discussion about „The role of Quran teachers for peace building in Tanzania".

Religious tolerance and peace building

Meeting of religious top leaders of Tanzania

Tolerance and a peaceful coexistence seem to be no longer a matter of course in Tanzania as current conflicts between religious groups have proven. High time for a dialogue, decided KAS and IRCPT and invited the religious top leaders to a two-days workshop on the 28th and 29th November.

Thinking about tomorrow: A climate policy for Tanzania

Second round

Climate change and renewable energies - these were the main topics of a workshop for CHADEMA politicians organised in cooperation with KAS. The discussions were supported from German climate expert Prof. Dieter Flämig. The event took place in Dar es Salaam on the 26th and 27th November. Find the workshop in pictures here.

Violence, Disregard of the Law, Killings - Is Our Peace under Threat?

11. Maendeleo Dialogue

For decades Tanzania has been characterized by its remarkable stability and peace in the regional context. In the past months it has, however, seen an increase of tensions, conflicts and open eruptions of violence. On 22 November 2012 KAS and TADIP hosted the 11th Maendeleo Dialogue which was attended by more then 300 representatives from government, civil society, political parties, religious groups, foreign missions, academia, national and international experts, teachers, students, media and interested citizens for an open, interactive and participative sharing of minds.

Team Inlandsprogramme: Besucherprogramm für die Parteiführung der CHADEMA aus Tansania

Die Führungsspitze der größten Oppositionspartei und gleichzeitig Partnerpartei der KAS in Tansania, CHADEMA, hält sich zur Zeit im Rahmen eines Studien- und Dialogprogramms in der Bundeshauptstadt auf. Die CHADEMA-Vertreter hatten zuvor bereits am Bundesparteitag der CDU in Hannover teilgenommen und dort wichtige politische Kontakte mit CDU-Politikern auf Bundes- und Landesebene sowie mit weiteren internationalen Gästen knüpfen und vertiefen können.

Current Constitutional Reform Processes in East Africa

Visit of the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag to Tanzania und Kenya

From 6 to 13 October 2012 a delegation of the German Bundestag visited Dar es Salaam and Arusha in Tanzania as well as Nairobi in Kenya. The members of the Legal Committee, headed by Hon. Siegfried Kauder, gained deep insights in the current constitutional reform processes in East Africa. The regional Rule of Law Program and the Tanzanian country office of KAS organised jointly a conference on "The Constitutional Reform in Kenya and Tanzania in Light of the EAC Treaty" in Arusha, and hosted a round table discussion with representatives of the Tanzanian opposition party CHADEMA.

German MP Helmut Heiderich's visit in Kenya and Tanzania

Study and Information Program

On a short visit to Kenya and Tanzania, German MP and member of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, Mr. Helmut Heiderich, visited selected areas in the two countries.Find a summary of his stay in Tanzania in pictures...

Core Values and Ethical Guidelines of an African People's Party in Theory and Political Practice

Political Dialogue Programme with Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich, former Parlamentary State Secretary

From 11 to 19 September 2012 former Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Republic, Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich, visited Tanzania. Accompanied by members of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania, he provided his political expertise to support and enrich trainings of members of the KAS partner party CHADEMA in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Zanzibar.

Integrity of Creation and Challenges of Climate Change

Evaluation and Focus

On 30 August 2012 an evaluation meeting - organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tanzania [KAS] and the Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania [IRCPT] - took place in Dar es Salaam. The intention was to create a forum to share experiences about activities and challenges concerning the issue of climate change. The meeting should serve as an opportunity for evaluation and feedback of an previous event which took place in February. The participants which were composed of different religios groups were invited to present their efforts relating to climate change and the preservation of nature.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.