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Event Reports


Climate Change Consequences on Socio-economic Development in Tanzania

Book Launch and Discussion

Following an invitation from CETA and KAS, about 195 teachers and students from selected Secondary Schools in Dar es Salaam came together to attend the presentation of a new schoolbook and a discussion on climate change consequences. The event took place on 6th of August 2012 at the National Museum and Culture House of Dar es Salaam. Guests of honour were Ngosi Mwihava, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Vice President's Office (Environment), and Dr. Hans Koeppel, Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Dar es Salaam. There were also some other invited guests and journalists present.

KAS on Tour II

Nationwide Trainings for Town and Municipal Councils

On the 4th of June 2012 staff members of the KAS accompanied by members of their partner party CHADEMA, divided in three groups, set off from Dar es Salaam to a nationwide training for the town and municipal councils. About 800 elected representatives of CHADEMA came together to the advanced trainings in altogether nine counties, from Mbeya in the South of Tanzania up to Musoma, a town at the north-east lakeshore of the Lake Victoria.

Dr. Slaa at the KAS-Day

50 years of worldwide democracy - under this slogan renowned politicians from Germany and across the world looked back on the "impressive success story" of KAS during this year´s KAS-Day which took place in Berlin on the 27th of June. Among the discussants was Dr. Willbrod Slaa, Secretary General of CHADEMA, the Tanzanian partner party to KAS. He shared experiences with politicans from Myanmar, Belarus and Venezuela on the topic "No future for dictators, people want freedom". Find a choice of pictures taken at the event here.

E-lection Bridge Africa

2nd Edition

From 25 - 29 May 2012 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania hosted an event of the regional KAS Media Program in Dar es Salaam. In cooperation of the two offices, high ranking politicians from Sub-saharan Africa had been invited to attend the media training E-lection Bridge.

A Constitution by the People for the People

Unter der Leitung von Deus Kibamba, dem Vorsitzenden des Verfassungsforums Jukwaa la Katiba und Prof. Dr. Hartmut Hamann von der FU Berlin diskutierten auf Einladung der KAS Tansania Experten in einem Gesprächskreis über den Verfassungsreformprozess in Tansania. Es wurden zahlreiche Aspekte der Reform kritisch beleuchtet und herausgearbeitet, wie eine verstärkte Partizipation der Bevölkerung am Prozess sichergestellt werden kann. Einen ausführlichen Bericht zu dem Expertengespräch mit einer Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse finden Sie demnächst hier.

Constitutional Reform Processes and Integration in East Africa

"... The five countries of the region have come up with reasonably progressive constitutions which, at the formal level, ought to ensure democracy, the rule of law, political accountability and respect for human rights - in short, constitutionalism. When it comes to practice, however, these wonderful documents have not produced the results one would expect." Benson Tusasirwe, Kituo cha Katiba Uganda.

A Constitution by the People for the People

Expertengespräch zum tansanischen Verfassungsreformprozess – 15/05/2012 Serena Hotel, Dar es Salam

„Macht korrumpiert, absolute Macht korrumpiert absolut“ lautet ein geflügeltes Wort und beschreibt die politische Notwendigkeit, Macht zu kontrollieren. Um die Begrenzung von Macht, den Zusammenhalt der Gesellschaft und um die Gestaltung von politischer Partizipation drehte sich mit dem pointierten Titel „A Constitution by the People for the People“ auch ein Expertengespräch der KAS Tansania am 15. Mai 2012 zum aktuellen Verfassungsreformprozess in Tansania. Den vollständigen Bericht finden Sie hier...

Efficient Local Government – Accountability and Team Work


Am 31. März 2012 kamen in Karatu Führungskräfte aus Politik und leitende Angestellte aus der Bezirksverwaltung zu einem von der KAS Tansania und Bezirksrat von Karatu gemeinsam organisierten Workshop zusammen, um über Verantwortlichkeit und Teamwork zu diskutieren.

Herausforderungen des Klimawandels in Subsahara-Afrika

Fachkonferenz in Arusha

Vom 25. bis 29. März 2012 diskutierten die Auslandsmitarbeiter der KAS in Subsahara-Afrika, Kollegen aus der Berliner Zentrale und afrikanische Experten über die Folgen des Klimawandels und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen für die Stiftungsarbeit in ihren afrikanischen Partnerländern.

The responsibility of religious leaders for peace and tolerance


On February 18th and 19th, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the association of Koran school teachers JUWAQUTA brought together leading members of Muslim communities in the region Dar es Salaam, in order to discuss their own role understanding, and to work out proposals on how the communities might get involved into the socio-political discussion more effectively. Apart from the Koran school teachers, leading representatives of the umbrella organization of Tanzanian Muslims BAKWATA, as well as representatives of BAKWATAs youth and women organization attended the discussion.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.