There are currently no events planned.
Ambition for and reality of the East African Community in a globalised world
Conference with the former German President Dr. Horst Köhler
In the course of a political dialogue programme organised by KAS, the former German President Dr. Horst Köhler will attend a conference in Arusha on 16th June in order to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the East African Community (EAC).
Cooperation and solidarity – Prospects of an international social market economy
Maendeleo dialogue with the former German President Dr. Horst Köhler
In the course of a political dialogue programme organised by KAS, former German President Dr. Horst Köhler will discuss about the future prospects of international social market economy with high-profile participants at a conference in Dar es Salaam.
Book presentation
Book launch
Schoolbook "General Studies" – Supplementary Book for A-Level and Colleges has been launched
After intensive revision the second edition of the schoolbook General Studies – Supplementary Book for A-Levels and Colleges has been published by KAS Dar Es Salaam along with Civic Education Teachers Association (CETA).
Maendeleo Dialogue on constitutional reform
Principles of a legitimate constitutional reform process
On April 12, 2011, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Dar es Salaam together with its partner TADIP (Tanzania Development Initiative Programme) organised a one-day conference on the constitutional reform process.
Media workshop for political communication experts
Web-TV and political communication on the internet
In collaboration with the media programme Sub-Sahara Africa, Tanzania office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Dar es Salaam conducted a workshop on modern political web-based communication on April 8, 2011.
Workshop for JUWAQUTA
JUWAQUTA, the associaton of tanzanian Qu´an Teachers, and the Dar es Salaam office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized a one day workshop to improve the leadership capacity of the JUWAQUTA leaders in the Dar es Salaam region.
Gemeinderäteschulung und Konfliktlösung in Urambo
Die Rechte und Pflichten von Gemeindevertretern
Am 25. März 2011 führte die KAS Dar es Salaam in Urambo im Westen Tansanias zusammen mit Vertretern der nationalen Parteiführung der CHADEMA eine Schulungsmaßnahme für Gemeinderäte durch, an der 30 Kommunalpolitiker teilnahmen.
Training von Gemeinderäten in der Region Kagera
Rechte und Pflichten von Gemeinderäten in Tansania
Am 23. und 24. März 2011 führte das Auslandsbüro der KAS ein Training für Führungskräfte der Parterpartei CHADEMA in der Region Kagera am Viktoriasee durch.
Training der CHADEMA-Gemeinderäte der Region Kigoma
Rechte und Pflichten von Gemeinderäten in Tansania
Am 22. und 23 März führte die KAS in Kigoma, Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen Region im Westen Tansanias, ein Training für Gemeinderäte der Partnerpartei CHADEMA durch. Eröffnet wurde das Seminar durch den Generalsekretär der CHADEMA, Dr. Willibrod Slaa.