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Green Recovery: Moving beyond the Pandemic

Year-end Dialouge and Photo Essay Exhibition

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to: 2020 Year-end Dialogue: Green Recovery: Moving beyond the Pandemic Photo Essay Exhibition: Through the Hard Time


Proactive Legislation News Reporting through the Era-5.0 Media

Seminar for parliamentary officials

The Secretariat of the National Assembly by the Public Relations Bureau will hold a full-day seminar aiming to enhance the skills of the parliamentary officials in handling the legislative supporting tasks especially the promotion of the legislation news.


Decade of Thai Local Government (2010 - 2020) and Provincial Election on December 20, 2020

Seminar in Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to Seminar on: Decade of Thai Local Government (2010 - 2020) and Provincial Election on December 20, 2020 Chiang Mai University| Wednesday, December 9, 2020 | 8:30-16:30


Enhancing Digital Government Capacity for Local Government Officials

KAS-COLA Workshop

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, it is more important than ever for the local administrative organisations in Thailand to deliver the public services efficiently for the benefits of the citizens. Besides, to achieve the key objective of the good governance, the policy formulation and implementation have to involve the citizens in the process. The questions are how well the local governments connect to the people in the areas and how responsive the public services can be in this challenging time.

Online seminar

The Environmental Challenges under Thailand’s Constitutions: Progress and Setbacks

Media Dialogue 8

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to: Media Dialogue 8: The Environmental Challenges under Thailand’s Constitutions: Progress and Setbacks


Civic Education - The People Participation and Role of the Parliamentary Committee

The Parliamentary Committee on Court Affairs, State Enterprises, Independent Organs, Public Organizations, and the Fund of the House of Representatives

The seminar organized by the parliamentary committee on CISEP aims to enable the participants to realize the importance of exercising the power of the people through the parliamentary committee. The committee will also bring information, comments, and suggestions from the participants into the consideration of the relevant actions.


The Local Elections 2020 in Thailand

Seminars for Decentralization Promotion

Thailand is expecting the local elections for the first time since the year 2014. The cabinet has recently approved the first holding of the elections for the chief executives of the provincial administration organizations across the country. The holding will happen on 20th December 2020. After that, in the year 2021, the local elections in other administration levels will gradually follow. One of the important factors for the success of the elections is the understanding of the new local election laws among the local administrative officials, the people, and related stakeholders.


Open and Innovative Government in Thailand

Seminar for Fostering Innovative Future

The public management worldwide has been evolved through the principles and theories raised during many periods. The governments have adjusted themselves into the result-oriented management additional to the conventional principles like the ideal-typed bureaucracy or machinelike administration which sometimes obstructed the policy implementation. The new way of public management has supported the governments in actualizing the public services and achieving the expected outcomes. Nevertheless, the world has changed into the digital age enabling the people to monitor the governments’ performances more closely. To possess the good governance, the result-oriented management is not enough anymore; the public participation by the usage of the open data in the policy formulation process becomes more necessary and compulsory.

Online seminar

Thailand’s Hazardous Waste Situation: and Efforts to Clear the “World’s Trash Bin”

Media Dialogue 7

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to: Media Dialogue 7: Thailand’s Hazardous Waste Situation: and Efforts to Clear the “World’s Trash Bin”


The Development of the Integration Communication and the Public Relations

The Regional Administrative Courts Batch 2

The workshop series organized by the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand with the support of KAS in Thailand aims at enhancing the technical knowledge beneficial to the promotion of the court’s work. The topic in the activity will focus on how to utilize the tools of mass communication and public relations to increase the public recognition. The participants will be the judges and the court officials from the regional administrative courts throughout the country. The group work in the afternoon session will open a chance for the participants to digest the received knowledge and initiate their ideas possible for the development of the court’s work in their operating areas.

Asset Publisher

Official Launch of the Project "Environmental Empowerment for Grassroots and Non-State Actors in Thailand"


The Delegation of the European Union to Thailand financially joins hands with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in supporting ENLAWTHAI Foundation to disseminate knowledge about environmental justice to Thai grassroots.

Konferenz zur Verbesserung der Effizienz in der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit

Bei der am 20. Februar 2015 durchgeführten Konferenz wurde mit Richtern des Obersten Verwaltungsgerichts sowie mit Rechtswissenschaftlern erörtert, wie die Effizienz bei Verfahren im öffentlichen Recht verbessert werden kann. Hierdurch soll die Rechtssicherheit für alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger, auch gegen die öffentliche Hand verbessert werden.

Ethics, Climate Change and Energy

On November 27-28, 2014, the International Conference on “Ethics, Climate Change and Energy” took place in Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand. This event was co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), College of Religious Studies and Faculty of Environment and Resources Studies of Mahidol University and Qatar Red Crescent.

ASEAN Religious Pluralism

The Challenges of Building a Socio-Cultural Community

The articles in this book are drawn from the “International Seminar on Religious Pluralism in ASEAN” organised by the Graduate School of Philosophy and Religion, Assumption University, on 23-24 August 2012 in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Bangkok, under the main objective to promote the building of unity, cooperation, dialogue and understanding between different and within a single religion, with the aim to build peaceful coexistence between religions, leading to recognition of religious diversity as a boon not a bane for humanity.

Inspection of Assets of the Persons Holding Political Positions and State Officials

Together with the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions (SCP), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Thailand held a seminar in Trang Province to inspect assets of the persons holding political positions and state officials in order to prevent corruption and promote transparency between the state and its citizens.

Local Laws and Ordinances Regarding Climate Change Mitigation by Khon Kaen Local Governments

In collaboration with Centre for ASEAN Studies & Faculty of Public Health Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized a first seminar in this region to exchange views on local laws on climate change and to promote public awareness, in particular the local governments and the community leaders and set the context for political discussion on new environmentally conscious policies.

Environmental Values Emerging from Cultures and Religions of the ASEAN Region

In collaboration with the Graduate School of Philosophy & Religion Assumption University, Bangkok, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized once again an international conference on environmental issues and climate change on religious, historical and cultural perspectives.

First World War Centenary

European and Thai Experiences

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I and the 75th anniversary of World War II, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Thailand together with the Thai-German Society Thailand, the German Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) and the Chulalongkorn University held a colloquium on the impact of the wars on Thailand and Germany.

The 80-Year Database of Thai Democracy

This book is the record of an 80-year journey from 1932 to 2012 into Thailand’s political history. It contains basic information and facts about key political events, some of them have never appeared anywhere before. Readers will find the information useful for further study on the development and future of Thai politics. The publication is in Thai language only.

Bildung und Demokratie - ein deutsch-thailändischer Erfahrungsaustausch

Gemeinsam mit dem thailändischen Bildungsminister, Herrn Chaturon Chaisaeng und Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, MdB, Mitglied und CDU/CSU-Obmann im Bildungsausschus wurden neue Anforderungen an das Bildungssystem sowie die Rolle der Bildung für die demokratische Entwicklung Thailands diskutiert.

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