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Modern Methods for Civic Participation of the Citizens according to International Standards

Online Workshop

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.

Online seminar

Methods for Modern Legal Work according to International Standards

Online Training

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.

Online seminar

Methods for Modern Legal Work according to International Standards

Online Training

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.

Online seminar

Methods for Modern Legal Work according to International Standards

Online Training

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.

Online seminar

Methods for Modern Legal Work according to International Standards

Online Training

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.

Online seminar

Methods for Modern Legal Work according to International Standards

Online Training

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.

Online seminar

Methods for Modern Legal Work according to International Standards

Online Training

Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand has faced two more waves of the covid-19 pandemic. This time, there are more infection and death cases than the outbreak last year. Vaccination for the public has just started while the restriction is exercised intensively nationwide especially the deep-red zones like Bangkok and vicinity. Implementation of the activity onsite with more than 20 people is not allowed until the end of May and likely to be extended if the situation does not get better. Online platforms are the possible way out to deliver the work in order to obtain outputs and outcomes as indicated in the work plans.


Inception Seminar for Work Plan 2021 and Training of Trainers Component

KAS-PDA’s Business for Social and Environmental Development Project

The Population and Community Development Association or PDA will hold an internal seminar to explain about the activity plan and budget as well as to recheck the preparedness of each Community-based Integrated Rural Development (CBIRD) Centre for this year’s implementation. Also at this event, there’s a workshop session aiming at training the responsible staffs to equip with lecturing skills and to understand deeply about the essence of the project. This will assist them in approaching the new audiences in the target groups more effectively which will fulfil the project’s objectives in the long run.


Green Recovery: Moving beyond the Pandemic

Year-end Dialouge and Photo Essay Exhibition

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to: 2020 Year-end Dialogue: Green Recovery: Moving beyond the Pandemic Photo Essay Exhibition: Through the Hard Time


Proactive Legislation News Reporting through the Era-5.0 Media

Seminar for parliamentary officials

The Secretariat of the National Assembly by the Public Relations Bureau will hold a full-day seminar aiming to enhance the skills of the parliamentary officials in handling the legislative supporting tasks especially the promotion of the legislation news.

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First World War Centenary

European and Thai Experiences

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I and the 75th anniversary of World War II, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Thailand together with the Thai-German Society Thailand, the German Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) and the Chulalongkorn University held a colloquium on the impact of the wars on Thailand and Germany.

The 80-Year Database of Thai Democracy

This book is the record of an 80-year journey from 1932 to 2012 into Thailand’s political history. It contains basic information and facts about key political events, some of them have never appeared anywhere before. Readers will find the information useful for further study on the development and future of Thai politics. The publication is in Thai language only.

Bildung und Demokratie - ein deutsch-thailändischer Erfahrungsaustausch

Gemeinsam mit dem thailändischen Bildungsminister, Herrn Chaturon Chaisaeng und Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, MdB, Mitglied und CDU/CSU-Obmann im Bildungsausschus wurden neue Anforderungen an das Bildungssystem sowie die Rolle der Bildung für die demokratische Entwicklung Thailands diskutiert.

Probleme und Herausforderungen bei Strafverfahren gegen Personen in politischen Ämtern

Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Thailand und Deutschland

Bei der jährlichen Konferenz des Supreme Courts von Thailand - Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung wurden Probleme und Herausforderungen von Straverfahren gegen Politiker sowie das Spannungsfeld zwischen öffentlichem Interesse und den individuellen Rechten von Angeklagten diskutiert.

Summary of the KAS-ABAC Conference on Ecological, Social and Economic Sustainabiliy in Thailand and the ASEAN Region

Bildung kommt eine Schlüsselfunktion zu

This one-day conference on the topic of ecological, social and economic sustainability within Thailand and ASEAN’s economy took place on November 28, 2013 at Assumption University, Bangkok. The goal of this conference was to find a solution for the ecological, social and economic problems created by the integration process of the ASEAN community. This comprehensive theme was discussed from a total of six different perspectives.

Annual Meeting of “Project on Strengthening Community and Local Leaders” Together with the Secretariat of the Senates

Nationwide series of events to strengthen local political leaders successfully finished

In the past months KAS together with the Secretariat of the Senates (SOS) had organised the series of seminars and workshops to develop political education and participation throughout the country. Around 240 chosen participants had a chance to attend the final seminar in the annual meeting of the SOS on 23rd August 2013 in Bangkok.

Staffelübergabe in Thailand

Am vergangenen Freitag hat im Anschluss an das Seminar „The Rule of Law lays the Foundation of Democratisation“ im Rahmen eines kleinen Empfangs offiziell der AM-Wechsel im Auslandsbüro Thailand stattgefunden. Verschiedene Freunde und Partner der Stiftung bedankten sich bei Clauspeter Hill für die Arbeit der letzten Jahre und wünschten Michael Winzer alles Gute für die neue Aufgabe.

International Migration in Thailand and Southeast Asia: Policies and Practices

International Migration is an established social phenomenon in Southeast Asia. All countries in the region are influenced to some degree although the nature and level of that impact varies greatly. Therefore, KAS and ISIS organized a seminar aiming at encouraging a coherent migration policy.

Bringing the Best of the Private Sector to Development

KAS Thailand and the Federation of Thai Industries organized a Seminar on the role of private-sector engagement in development. Discussion was based on a presentation by Mr. Oliver Wieck, Managing Director of the International Trade and Development Department at the Federation of German Industries.

Security Laws: Opportunities and Challenges for Conflict Resolution

Five month after the violent crackdown of the protests in Bangkok's inner city, the emergency decree still holds in Bangkok, its neighboring provinces, and the deep south. Due to this fact KAS Thailand, the Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS), and the Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF) invited to a public forum. Keynote was addressed by Dr. Panitan Wattanyagorn, Acting government Spokesman and Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister.

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