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Typhoon Yagi, Monsoons, and the Rising Challenge amid Our Changing Climate

Media Dialogue Forum 1 of 2024


Decentralization Model for Democratic Provincial Governors

Seminar Series on Local Administration and Decentralization in Thailand

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Decentralization Model for Democratic Provincial Governors

Seminar Series on Local Administration and Decentralization in Thailand


Decentralization Model for Democratic Provincial Governors

Seminar Series on Local Administration and Decentralization in Thailand


Democracy at a Crossroads: Youth Perspectives on Innovative Approaches to Democratic Resilience and Social Justice

KASSID Annual Meeting 2024

KAS Thailand aims to facilitate a discussion for young scholars to voice their opinions, thus empowering them to become active global citizens. The workshop will feature Dr. Yared Akarapattananukul, Lecturer of the Faculty of Political Science and Law at Burapa University and a member of the KAS academic network, as a speaker on the topic "Democracy at a Crossroads: Youth Perspectives on Innovative Approaches to Democratic Resilience and Social Justice". In addition to its academic focus, this workshop will serve as a networking platform for current KASSID scholars and alumni, providing opportunities for introductions, idea exchanges on potential project collaborations, and presentations of academic papers or social projects in which they are involved.


The Way Forward for Thai-German Cooperation amid Global, Regional, and Local Challenges

Strategic Planning Workshop based on KAS’ Framework Objectives 2025-2027

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) is dedicated to advancing peace, freedom, and prosperity in Thailand by promoting participatory democracy, the rule of law, a social market economy, innovation, and fostering cooperation between Thailand, Southeast Asia, Germany, and the EU. In our pursuit of these goals, KAS collaborates with local partner organizations that share our values, working together on projects that drive our mission forward.


Navigating the Nexus: European and SEA Views on Current Geopolitical Shifts amid Great Power Rivalries

Strategic Positioning in the Mekong Subregion

The Mekong Subregion in Southeast Asia has emerged as a focal point in global geopolitics, influenced heavily by international political developments and great power rivalries. As the strategic interest of the region intensifies, the European Union (EU) seeks to navigate this dynamic landscape, balancing economic competition with cooperation and aiming to increase its presence in Southeast Asia as well as its subregion. This activity will focus on three critical questions that shape the EU's engagement in the Mekong Subregion and Southeast Asia’s response to this raising interest.


Enhancement of Efficiency in Administrative Case Management

Problems in the Supreme Administrative Court's Judicial Proceedings and Relevant Solutions (in the Fiscal Year 2024)

Problems, obstacles, and challenges towards administrative judicial proceedings: disciplinary actions in compliance with resolutions of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) under Organic Act on Anti-Corruption B.E. 2561 (2018)


Public Hearing on Thailand’s Clean Air Bill

Solving the PM 2.5 Haze Pollution in a Sustainable Manner and Leaving No One Behind


Referendum 2024 and the Way to Constitutional Amendment

Seminar Series on Democratization

Thailand's 2017 Constitution has been a subject of controversy due to its origin under the military junta. The demand for its amendment was central to the 2023 general election and the 2020-2021 mass protest movement. According to a study approved by the cabinet, a series of three referendums are required to gauge public opinion. Amending the Referendum Act, B.E. 2564, is seen as a crucial first step toward facilitating constitutional amendment.


Roundtable Discussion with German MP: Strengthening Economic Security

European and Southeast Asian Perspectives on Navigating the New Normal in Global Supply Chains

In recent years, international supply chains – the backbone of global commerce – have encountered unprecedented challenges. The shift towards protectionism marked by the "America First" policies of the Trump administration, including the US-China trade war, was just the beginning of a process at play since 2017. Then, the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic dealt a significant blow to global supply chains, disrupting transport lines and production cycles worldwide. As the global economy was still grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine triggered direct disruptions in supply chains, compounded by a sanctions war against the aggressor that catalyzed pre-existent attempts to reshape supply chains away from the West. These events have accelerated changes and reshaped global supply lines.


Democratic Youth Network of the Thai Parliament 2024 (Southern Province)

Youth Leadership as Citizens for the Sustainable Development with Democratic Values

The Secretariat of the House of Representatives and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung cooperatively provide civic education for youth with the knowledge/information they need for being quality citizens. It also supports the Parliamentary Democracy Youth Network to increase their group working skill and number of members. In this year, UNDP Thailand will cooperatively join the event, contributing on the topic of sustainable development to strengthen youth network on this issue. This project expects that democracy promotion among the Thai youth will bring about greater potential and continuity.

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Dialogue on "Reformation of the Political Party System"

In partnership with IDS, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organized a high profile dialogue on September 16th at the Siam City Hotel Bangkok. Attended by more than 80 participants with broad media coverage, and moderated by former deputy Prime Minister Mr. Chaturon Chaisang (TRT), the Forum focused on recent party dissolutions, the future of the political party system, and the reformation of the constitution. The importance of political parties for Thailand and their policy agendas was debated.

NATO at 60: Transformation to a Global Security Provider?

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of NATO, Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized an international seminar on NATO. For the first time the role of NATO in the security order of the 21st century was analyzed together with relevant actors from Thailand. This event has broadened the understanding of NATO’s provision and role to Thai authorities. Moreover, one of the controversial issues is on terrorism that has become one of the most vital and challenging aspect to the future role of NATO.

New Security Trends in Southeast Asia and Europe

On April 9th, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Bangkok in cooperation with the KAS Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia and ISIS held the international seminar “New Security Trends in Southeast Asia and Europe”. Leading experts in security politics from Germany, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam discussed current and future challenges in security politics.

The Internal Security Act (ISA)

Implications for the Southern Conflict

On 18 December 2008, the KAS organized a workshop “The Internal Security Act: Implications for the Southern Conflict” with high-ranking military officers and representatives of the civil society. The workshop aimed at providing a platform for discussion about implementation of the Internal Security Act, which became effective at the beginning of 2008, focusing on its implications for the ongoing Southern conflict. Among other participants was the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Thai Army.

Seminar on 'Participatory elements of democracy'

The event “Participatory elements of democracy” has been part of a political congress covering many interesting political issues like human rights, education, participation and economy.The seminar, in which representatives of governmental organizations, NGOS, academia and media attended, was held with speeches of Dr. Canan Atilgan, Resident Representative of KAS Thailand, Dr. Michael Nelson, M.L. Pruktisan Jumbala and Dr. Siriphan Noksuan – political experts and professors from Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University.

Advancing ASEAN-EU Relations in the 21st Century

Thailand hat im Juli 2008 den Vorsitz der Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) übernommen. Zu diesem Anlass veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gemeinsam mit Centre for European Studies (CES) am 6. Oktober 2008 ein internationales Seminar in Bangkok. Das Seminar diente dazu, die Fortentwicklung der EU-ASEAN-Beziehungen auf der Grundlage der im März 2007 unterzeichneten „Nürnberger Erklärung“ zu bewerten. Die Teilnehmer kamen zum Ergebnis, dass EU und ASEAN über ein gewaltiges Potential zur Zusammenarbeit verfügen, das noch nicht in vollem Umfang ausgenutzt wird.