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The Constitutional Court and the Referendum Law

Seminar with the Office of the Constitutional Court


Discussion on "Smart City 2024 and City Digital Data Platform"

Seminar Series on Smart Cities


Local Government Organizations and Disaster Management

A Dialogue on the Potential of Local Government Organizations in Disaster Management


Post COP29 and the Way Forward

Media Dialogue Forum 3 of 2024


Empowering Public Sector with Generative AI: Knowledge, Skills, and Ethics

COLA-KAS Workshop for Local Government Officials


Decentralization Model for Democratic Provincial Governors

Seminar Series on Decentralization Model for Democratic Provincial Governors


Discussion on “Human Rights and Sustainability in International Trade and Investment”

Seminar Series on Smart Cities


OpenGov for Citizen #3 – Forests for the Future

Workshop Series on Open and Innovative Government in Thailand


Capacity Building

AI-Enhanced Governance Improving Parliamentary Human Resources and Communication within the organization


Pak Beng Dam, Mekong River Governance, and Thailand’s Electricity Needs?

Media Dialogue Forum 2 of 2024

Asset Publisher

Cabinet Resolution of 30 June 1998: Land and Forest Management

KAS-EU Project

On 24 November 2016, KAS with the EU Delegation to Thailand and EnLAWTHAI hosted a public conference on a research of “Cabinet Resolution of 30 June 1998: Land and Forest Management” which over 130 participants from governmental organisations, civil society section and press attended.

Richter des Obersten Verwaltungsgerichts Thailands beschäftigten sich mit der Energie- und Klimapolitik

Der Präsident des Obersten Verwaltungsgerichts Thailands besuchte vom 26.06. bis 01.07.2016 mit einer Delegation unter anderem politische Institutionen, das Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin und das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig. Die Teilnehmer informierten sich über die Möglichkeiten der erneuerbaren Energien, um in Thailand die Qualität der Rechtsprechung bei Projekten zur Nutzung der Rechtsprechung zu verbessern.

The Constitutional Court and Thailand’s Political Reform

A seminar organised by the Office of Constitutional Court of Thailand (OCC) and KAS

The seminar took place on the first of July in Centara Grand Hotel, Bangkok. Not only jurists, politicians and political scientists, but also members of the Constituent Assembly and the president of the Electoral Commission were present.

Principle of Participatory Democracy

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Thailand together with the Office of The Secretariat of the Senate (SOS) Acting as Secretariat of the National Legislative Assembly have co-organized a training workshop under the Strengthening Local Communities and Local Leaders project, the Process of Strengthening Participatory Democracy Leadership Course between 24 – 28 May 2015 at Furama hotel, Chiang Mai.

Official Launch of the Project "Environmental Empowerment for Grassroots and Non-State Actors in Thailand"


The Delegation of the European Union to Thailand financially joins hands with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in supporting ENLAWTHAI Foundation to disseminate knowledge about environmental justice to Thai grassroots.

Konferenz zur Verbesserung der Effizienz in der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit

Bei der am 20. Februar 2015 durchgeführten Konferenz wurde mit Richtern des Obersten Verwaltungsgerichts sowie mit Rechtswissenschaftlern erörtert, wie die Effizienz bei Verfahren im öffentlichen Recht verbessert werden kann. Hierdurch soll die Rechtssicherheit für alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger, auch gegen die öffentliche Hand verbessert werden.

Ethics, Climate Change and Energy

On November 27-28, 2014, the International Conference on “Ethics, Climate Change and Energy” took place in Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand. This event was co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), College of Religious Studies and Faculty of Environment and Resources Studies of Mahidol University and Qatar Red Crescent.

ASEAN Religious Pluralism

The Challenges of Building a Socio-Cultural Community

The articles in this book are drawn from the “International Seminar on Religious Pluralism in ASEAN” organised by the Graduate School of Philosophy and Religion, Assumption University, on 23-24 August 2012 in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Bangkok, under the main objective to promote the building of unity, cooperation, dialogue and understanding between different and within a single religion, with the aim to build peaceful coexistence between religions, leading to recognition of religious diversity as a boon not a bane for humanity.

Inspection of Assets of the Persons Holding Political Positions and State Officials

Together with the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions (SCP), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Thailand held a seminar in Trang Province to inspect assets of the persons holding political positions and state officials in order to prevent corruption and promote transparency between the state and its citizens.

Local Laws and Ordinances Regarding Climate Change Mitigation by Khon Kaen Local Governments

In collaboration with Centre for ASEAN Studies & Faculty of Public Health Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized a first seminar in this region to exchange views on local laws on climate change and to promote public awareness, in particular the local governments and the community leaders and set the context for political discussion on new environmentally conscious policies.