Solutions to Issues in Case Proceedings of the Supreme Administrative Court
E-AdminCourt System and Relevant IT
Regarding the 20-year master plan of the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC), a special lecture in cooperation with KAS Thailand Office will be held to prepare administrative judges, court executives, including court officials for the launching of the courts’ new electronic system which is targeted to uphold administrative justice in a fair, fast, and modern manner in strengthening good governance of the society.
The Future of EU Parliament after Election
KAS together with Institute of Democratisation Studies (IDS) will hold a seminar to provide participants the updated situations and movements of social and political development in Europe and international countries as well as to open a discussion stage for exchanges of ideas and experiences among experts and participants.
Strengthening Local Communities and Local Leaders
The Process of Strengthening Participatory Democracy Leadership
The seminar in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Senate (SOS) will address community leaders from various provinces and representatives of local governmental agencies to promote the idea of participatory democracy by using participatory learning methods.
Personal Data Protection: Rights to Privacy/Media Roles and Responsibility in Strengthening Public Awareness
The discussion co-organised by KAS and Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) together with network organisations will provide the participants from related working fields a platform to gain updated knowledge about the current policy and situation of personal data protection in Thailand, to exchange ideas and to propose opinions beneficial for further policy development. The discussion will also pave the way for further monitoring the bill on personal data protection once it passes the Council of State and is approved by the cabinet.
Innovation and Social Policy: New Media Perspectives
KAS together with the Institute of Democratisation Studies (IDS) will provide a roundtable discussion for participants in related fields such as policy-makers, economist, social and political science experts, and the public to exchange knowledge and experience about the innovation in the election from new media perspectives as well as to create awareness about the impact of new media on policy formulation.
Knowledge Dissemination on Politics and Government, Roles, Duties and Powers of the Legislative Function
Parliamentary Demonstration
The workshop in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Senates aims to provide a platform for the young people in local provinces to discuss about the Thai political culture and political development as well as to arrange a demonstration activity for participants to study in details about parliamentary democracy and parliamentary protocol.
Knowledge Dissemination on Politics and Government, Roles, Duties and Powers of the Legislative Function
Parliamentary Demonstration
The workshop in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Senates aims to provide a platform for the young people in local provinces to discuss about the Thai political culture and political development as well as to arrange a demonstration activity for participants to study in details about parliamentary democracy and parliamentary protocol.
Social Market Economy and SME in Bangkok
KAS and the Forward Foundation will hold a one-day seminar to provide knowledge and promote model of the Social Market Economy’s concept especially the idea of “equitable society” to decision makers and participants from business sector in the community, local governments, and the public. Additionally, the working model according to the concept of Social Market Economy will be shared and exchanged in the event in order to pave the way for further policy development and definite implementation.
Collaboration between the Bureau of Public Relations and the National Assembly’s Radio and Television Broadcasting Station to Build Citizenship through New Media
Network Collaboration Development to Build Citizenship
A workshop in corporation with the Secretariat of the National Assembly (SNA) aims to set up strategic plan and system for mass communication and public relations in order to strengthen and raise awareness of the significance of the civic education and citizenship in Thai society as well as to create professionalism and build related network among the parliamentary officers responsible for this field of works.
Knowledge Dissemination on Politics and Government, Roles, Duties and Powers of the Legislative Function
Parliamentary Demonstration
The workshop in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Senates aims to provide a platform for the young people in local provinces to discuss about the Thai political culture and political development as well as to arrange a demonstration activity for participants to study in details about parliamentary democracy and parliamentary protocol.