Training Program on Sustainable Civic Education
Locality is Our Matters towards Sustainable Local Governance
Dialogue Forum 4 I Year 3
From Glasgow to Egypt, COP 27 and Implications on Thailand’s Climate Policies and Actions (in Thai)
The Dialogue Forum would cordially like to invite you to discuss the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt: Dialogue Forum 4 I Year 3: From Glasgow to Egypt, COP 27 and Implications on Thailand’s Climate Policies and Actions (in Thai).
Innovative City Lab: theory and practice in Thailand
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with Institute of Democratization Studies invite you to join the discussion “Innovative City Lab: theory and practice in Thailand” live or via Zoom.
Micro-Entrepreneurship Input from the Social Market Economy and Exchange with Local Officials
Workshop Series
Workshops for Policy Recommendations Compilation from My Better Country Hackathon #12
The workshops are the final events after the core event "My Better Country Hackathon #12" took place under the KAS-OPDC Cooperation-Project of Workshop Series on Open and Innovative Government in Thailand. Academic consultants and related government officials will consider and discuss all suggestions to improve the work of the public sector, which they received from the participants in the hackathon. They will focus especially on the policies about empowering older persons, developing social welfare, and improving the government hotline and website. At the end of the workshop, a compilation of policy recommendations will be drafted.
Thailand in 2023: Public Policy’s Trends, Issues and Innovation
The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in cooperation with Institute of Democratization Studies organized the discussion for the Thai society to understand the policy process and the dynamic of public policymaking in 2023.