Transforming Lamphun Communities Cultural Capitals into Economic Gains
Local Community Development
The workshop co-organised by KAS and the Faculty of Political Science, Chiang Mai University, aims to enhance creative thinking skills and access to participatory policy-making process in community leaders as well as Lamphun people.
People Participatory Reconciliation
KAS together with the Secretariat of the National Assembly provides a platform for the participants to enhance their knowledge about the new constitutional drafting and discuss about the parliamentary mechanism for the national reform.
Capacity Building among Parliamentary Volunteer-Trainers for Democracy Development
The Secretariat of the National Assembly of Thailand in cooperation with KAS provides the opportunity for the parliamentary volunteer-trainers to enhance knowledge and understanding on democracy development.
Civic Education in the Age of Reform
The programme is arranged for educational supervisors and teachers to share educational experiences and increase understanding in civic education concept which will become guidelines to the people involved in the educational policy-making level.
Environmental Values Emerging from Cultures and Religions of the ASEAN Region
KAS-ABAC International Conference on the Topic of Climate and Energy
KAS and Graduate School of Philosophy and Religion, Assumption University, will organise an international conference discussing on how the cultural values in ASEAN countries influence the climate and energy policy making.
First World War Centenary: European and Thai Experiences
The seminar by KAS, Thai-German Society, Chulalongkorn University and CPG Thammasat University aims to provide the analysis of the causes and consequences of the First World War from many new viewpoints presented by Thai and German academicians.
Challenges in Execution of Court Judgement
The seminar co-organised by KAS and the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) aims to provide the platform for legal experts and administrative judges to exchange ideas on administrative jurisdiction process.
Climate Change Litigation: Seeking a New Approach through the Application of Indian and Japanese Practice
Climate and Energy Project
The field trip and workshop co-organised by KAS and OAC aim at observing the implementation and the outcomes of state disaster management in order to be able to draw a framework for climate change litigation in the future.
Provincial Policy against Climate Change
Climate and Energy Project
KAS in cooperation with the Office of the Civil Service Commission arranges the seminar to examine the current environmental policies in local provinces and to discuss about the possible issues significant for the policy making in the future.