Inspection of Assets of the Persons Holding Political Positions and State Officials
The seminar will provide the participants the updated judicial expertise and academic information on malfeasance cases. On the platform the participants will be able to exchange their experiences which will lead to court procedure improvement.
Energy Consumption of Thailand in the Last Three Decades
The discussion in cooperation with the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) aims to raise public awareness of the effect of the climate change in the country and to stimulate an ideology of environmental justice.
ASEAN Power Grid: The Impact on the Environment
Climate and Energy Project
A study trip aims to examine effective approach of judicial procedures related to environmental adjudication in respect to cross-border energy security and to establish appropriate measures to be implemented further in Thailand.
Capacity Building for the Youth
The workshop in cooperation with the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) will inspire and stimulate the participants to become active citizens by being willing, able and equipped to participate more in public matters.
The Decisions Execution of Administrative Judgements in the Personnel Administration Disputes
This KAS-OAC roundtable discussion provides a platform for court officials and judges to exchange their ideas towards the administrative judgement execution and the academic development concerned with personnel administrative disputes.
New Model and Approach in Political Science
A seminar co-organised with the Institute of Democratisation Studies provides the platform for participants and students to exchange their ideas towards the development of educational programme especially in teaching of political science in Thailand.
Civic Education for Young Children
The programme is arranged for educational supervisors and teachers to share their experiences, increase understanding in civic education concept and create the strategy of civic education.
The Development of Political Science in Japan
Experience for Thailand
The seminar coorganised by KAS and Institute of Democratisation Studies aims to create awareness among political scientists, students, governmental and public organisations about the improvement of political studies in Thailand.
Ethics, Climate Change, and Energy
A two-day international conference aims to present the recent scientific findings on climate change and energy insecurity and to promote ethics of global ecological responsibility.
National Legislative Assembly Meets the People
The seminar provides a unique platform for both the National Legislative Assembly members and representatives of civil society to discuss political, social and economic challenges in provinces, thus contributing to stronger political participation.