There are currently no events planned.
KASSID Winter Meeting 2022
International Cooperation toward Global Challenges: Non-Violent Communication and Capacity Building for Preparedness in challenging contexts
APEC Update: The Next Step of Cooperation between Thailand, ASEAN, APEC and the European Union (EU)
The Secretariat of the National Assembly (SNA) on behalf of the parliament and in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Thailand will organize the seminar: “APEC Update: The Next Step of Cooperation between Thailand, ASEAN, APEC and the European Union (EU)”
Training Program on Sustainable Civic Education:
Locality is Our Matters towards Sustainable Local Governance
Political Participation and Communication Development Project
How can legislative institutions be more accessible
Input from Social Market Economy and the Development of Vocational Education
Forum 21, with the support of KAS Thailand, is organizing a workshop where educational institutions, entrepreneurs and representatives from the industry meet and work together.
Training Program on Sustainable Civic Education
Locality is Our Matters towards Sustainable Local Governance
Dialogue Forum 4 I Year 3
From Glasgow to Egypt, COP 27 and Implications on Thailand’s Climate Policies and Actions (in Thai)
The Dialogue Forum would cordially like to invite you to discuss the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt: Dialogue Forum 4 I Year 3: From Glasgow to Egypt, COP 27 and Implications on Thailand’s Climate Policies and Actions (in Thai).
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