Collaborative Relationship among the Provincial Authority, Municipality and Tambon Government
Dynamic Rulings of the Constitutional Court: Principles and Practices
and Protection of the People Rights and Liberties of Member States under the EU Constitution
The German Constitution and Rights to Petition and the German Public Law: Principles and Practices
Protection of the People Rights and Liberties of Member States under the EU Constitution
and Dynamic Rulings of the Constitutional Court: Principles and Practices
Workshop on Traditional Community Rights
Traditional Community Rights Under the Constitution
Collaborative Relationship among the Provincial Authority, Municipality and Tambon Government
Research Title
Specialist conference
Problems regarding the Enforcement of Judgment
Seminar for Judges of the Regional Administrative Court. With the President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand.
Study and information programme
Politisches Informationsprogramm
ASEAN-Gruppe des EU-Parlaments
- Gespräche mit dem thail. PM sowie mit dem Parlamentspräs.-Treffen der EU-Parl. mit unserem Partner, dem Präsid. des thail. Supreme Administrative Court;-Das Prog. wird haupsächlich von der EU-Delegation in Bangkok organisiert.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page