The Promotion of Democracy Education in School
School Student’ s Project for 2010
This time, the 6 school student group works will present their successful projects to each other, teachers and invited honorable guests.
Bringing the Best of the Private Sector to Development
The seminar aims at providing a platform for relevant stake holders on the contribution of the private sector to sustainable economic and social development.
Decentralization : Health and Education Transferring from State to Local Government
This seminar is aimed to develop the step and plan of transferring manpower in Health and Education from State agencies to local government.
Security Laws: Opportunities and Challenges for Conflict Resolution
KAS Thailand, ISIS and CrCF organize a seminar on security law application in Bangkok and Provinces and implications for conflict resolution.
Senators meet the People
Development and Solution Strategies for Eastern Provinces
Under the "Senators meet the People" event series in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Senate (SOS), KAS Thailand organized a dialog forum to focus on development and solution strategies for Eastern Thai Provinces.
Dialogue Forum on "Freedom of Assembly"
The dialouge forum is conducted by Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS)togather with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
Discussion on Special laws in the south: Applications and Reflections
in cooperation with Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF)
“Reform of Political Party System: Necessity, Challenge and Perspectives”
KAS Thailand und IDS veranstalten ein Dialogforum mit Vertretern von politischen Parteien zur Notwendigkeit zur Reformierung des Parteiensystems.