There are currently no events planned.
Education for Democratic Citizen
The seminar aims to build understanding of Thai current education situation and to seek the new model of civic education in democratic values for Thai society.
How to Handle Floods
The discussion aims to raise awareness of state entities, private sectors, civil society in the protection of public interest in terms of security and safety on living.
Discover the Truth about Thailand Flood 2011
Problem and Solutions
The KAS-IPPS symposium in cooperation with other two civil organisations - the Youth Leadership Development Foundation and the Stop Global Warming Association of Thailand
Rule of Law Development
This project with the OAC aims to disseminate knowledge about the administrative justice system to 7 northern ethnic groups, to protect their fundamental rights and to ensure them the access to administrative justice in an effective manner.
The Economic and Financial Crisis and the Limits of Governments
A New Decade of National and Global Economic Governance
The event is jointly organized by KAS Thailand and the foundation's Asia Programme on Social & Economic Policy (SOPAS) in order to deepen the discourse on these timely issues.
Promotion of Political Education in Schools
The seminar coorganised by KAS and IPPS aims to further deepen political knowledge in national civic education program.
Law on Public Assembly: Experience from Germany
jointly organised symposium by KAS, IPPS and the Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
The Symposium will provide the participants with knowledge on public assembly law; the topic will be presented by Mr Clauspeter Hill, KAS representative to Thailand.
Eventually...the Administrative Court
To mark 10th anniversary of Administrative Court’s inauguration, the Office of the Administrative Courts will hold the dialogue presenting missions over one decade of the Court and concurrently open the Administrative Court Museum to the public.