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Attention, Internet Fraud!

False information about scholarships of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Dear applicants for scholarships of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Currently there are circulating on the internet various offers of services for obtaining scholarships from the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, often at considerable costs. Some websites are using the logo of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation without authorization.

Call For Applications: Youth4Policy

Are you a highly motivated young Ugandan interested in policy analysis and research?Are you interested in doing high-quality research while receiving training, mentorship and further developing your professional skills?Do you want to become part of a network of promising young policy leaders?Then Youth4Policy is for you!

Museveni als „ewiger Präsident“ in Uganda: Aufhebung des Alterslimits als letzte Hürde?

Nach monatelangen Debatten stimmte das ugandische Parlament am 20. De-zember 2017 für das sogenannte “Age Limit Bill”, welches eine Verfassungsän-derung vorsieht und die Altersgrenze von 75 Jahren für den Präsidenten auf-hebt. Damit kann Präsident Yoweri Mu-seveni, seit 32 Jahren im Amt, auch bei der nächsten Wahl im Jahr 2021 antre-ten. Er wäre dann 76 Jahre alt. Noch hat Museveni nicht öffentlich erklärt, ob er dann nochmal antreten will. In Uganda ist nach der Verfassungsänderung nun aber die Angst groß, dass der Präsident sich damit de facto sein Amt auf Lebens-zeit gesichert hat.

Achieving Sustainable Peace in South Sudan: Which Role Can Civil Society Play?

After the breakout of civil conflict in 2013, peace in the world's youngest country remains elusive. Previous peace negotiations have faltered while the complexity of the conflict has only increased. This synthesis report explores the challenges and opportunities for representatives of South Sudanese civil society, namely women, youth, religious groups and artists, to contribute to achieving sustainable peace.

Inclusion & exclusion: Women’s movement building

ARISE Magazine, Issue 63

Together with our Partner ACFODE (Action for Development) we published the ARISE Magazine, a Women's Development Magazine. This issue deals with inclusion and exclusion: Women’s movement building.

A Cost or Benefit? Reviewing the Economic Impact of Hosting Refugees in Uganda

As the third largest refugee-hosting country in the world, Uganda has a much-praised 'open door' policy for those fleeing conflict and persecution. The implications of this policy and the economic dimension of refugees in the country was at the center of the #OpenDoorsUG public dialogue on 21st November 2017 at Makerere University, Kampala. Based on the contributions at the dialogue, as well as additional literature and interviews, this synthesis report provides a deeper analysis on the economic impact of hosting refugees in Uganda.

China and Uganda – an Uneasy Friendship

The dynamics of Sino-Ugandan relations and its economic and societal im-pacts on Ugandan society

Arise Magazine

Issue 63

Together with our Partner ACFODE (Action for Development) we published the Arise Magazine, a Women's Development Magazine. This issue deals with the importance of women movements in the past, the present and in the future.

Refugees in Uganda: An overview of the history, legal framework, challenges and opportunities

Uganda has been hailed as an international icon in refugee management because of it's progressive "open doors" refugee policy. What historical, legal and political factors shape this policy? What are some of the opportunities and challenges of this approach? Associate Professor, Deborah Mulumba gave a deep exploration of these questions at the "Open Doors" refugee symposium co-organized with the French and Germany embassies, Goethe Centre and Alliance Françoise.

Employment, Entrepreneurship and Education in Uganda

Reality Check 9

This 9th Edition of the Reality Check focuses on the key issues of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Education in Uganda. The quest for decent employment presents a major development concern today. It would be unimaginable for a country to achieve inclusive growth and sustained peace without providing decent work opportunities for all. A key value in this report is that it attempts to reframe the employment discourse to focus on the prevailing issues of underemployment by covering questions of precarious work, poor pay and job opportunities that fall below the qualifications of workers.

Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.


A Women’s Development Magazine

ARISE magazine features varying issues around women and development in Uganda. Whether women wearing uniform, working as farmers, or holding political offices: We review the trends and challenges women face in Uganda. The magazine has been published in cooperation with Action for Development since 1990.

Reality Check

The series analyses developmental challenges in the political, social and economic sphere in Uganda. The editions examine hot topics of the daily political agenda and undertake a rigorous reality check. Reality Check is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives.

Economic Policy Paper Series

We examine economic issues in Uganda through a policy lens: Which way for Uganda's economic development? Which obstacles does the country face? And how can political players set the course for economic growth? This series crafts policy papers to inform and inspire debates around economic progress in Uganda. The Economic Policy Paper Series is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives. 

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