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Journal on Perspectives of African Democracy and Development

Vol. 1

The publication of the Journal on Perspectives of African Democracy and Development is driven by the objective of rebuilding and empowering a critical mass of African scholars not only to be at the forefront of shaping the discourses that are central to their national development, particularly, but also to contribute to the global discourses on democracy and development generally. Below, you can download the full Volume 1. The individual contributions can be found on the right side of this page.

Tagging, Tweeting, Posting: Social Media and Politics in Uganda

The Impact of Social Media on the Run-up to the 2016 Elections in Uganda

While in Uganda still only a relatively small percentage of the population has access to social media, its importance in political communication and activism cannot be overestimated. Due to the power that manifests itself in hashtags, posts, and images, the Ugandan political elites on the one hand learned to use social media for their political goals and campaigning. On the other hand, however, there are also calls for regulation as social media can be just as uncomfortable as it can be useful. This country report takes stock and analyses the impact social media has on the electoral process.

Flucht und Migration

Weltweite Reaktionen

Die Themen Flucht und Migration stehen bereits seit längerem im Mittelpunkt der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung Deutschlands und Europas und haben mit der jüngsten Zuspitzung der Flüchtlingsproblematik eine rasante Dynamik entwickelt. Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat zusammengetragen, wie das Thema in anderen Regionen der Welt wahrgenommen wird und welche eigenen Erfahrungen es dort gibt. Darüber hinaus haben unsere Auslandsmitarbeiter und -mitarbeiterinnen die aktuelle Stimmung und den Tenor politischer Diskussionen in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU und ihren Anrainer-Staaten eingefangen.

South Sudan – Triumph of Diplomacy at Last?

Following the latest peace deal signed on 27 August to bring South Sudan’s civil war to an end, Mr. Kiir and Mr. Machar, president and reinstated deputy, have agreed to cease all fighting. However, regardless of whether the deal takes hold over upcoming weeks, the devastating war has already ravaged the impover-ished nation over the past two years.

Einigung in der Griechenland-Krise

Weltweite Reaktionen

Die Einigung in der Griechenland-Krise auf dem Sondergipfel der Euro-Gruppe am 12./13. Juli 2015 ist ein beherrschendes Thema in ganz Europa und darüber hinaus. Einen Überblick über Reaktionen in Politik und Medien in ihren Einsatzländern geben die Auslandsmitarbeiterinnen und -mitarbeiter der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in dem vorliegenden Stimmungsbild.

Menschenhandel in Uganda

Die „Ware Kind“ aus Karamoja

Der Bericht zum Thema Menschenhandel in Uganda befasst sich mit dem Handel mit Kindern aus der sozial und politisch marginalisierten Region Karamoja im Nord-Osten des Landes.

Passing the Torch at KAS Uganda

Mathias Kamp Takes over the Position of Country Representative from Dr. Angelika Klein

Policy Proposals for Youth Engagement in HIV/AIDS Prevention

Paper by the Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives

HIV/AIDS has been at the core of Uganda’s health policy, services and reality for well over two decades. Since the early 1980s, Uganda has been affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. To-date, the HIV and AIDS epidemic is generalized in the country with the prevalence in the general population having increased from 6.4% in 2005 to 7.3% in 2011. In light of these worrying and continuous developments, the Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives analysed the existing legal and policy framework in Uganda and proposes policy alternatives which could help in the elimination of HIV/AIDS.

The Status of Social Security Systems in Uganda: Challenges and Opportunities

Reality Check 7

This 7th edition of Reality Check aims to examine the social security (social protection) systems in Uganda. The report attempts to provide an overview of the development of the country's social security systems from the pre-colonial era, through the colonial period to the post-colonial period, focusing on challenges and opportunities.

Electoral Reforms in Uganda

A Study Report on the Suitability of Uganda’s Electoral Systems for the Realization of Uganda's Development Goals

The Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives conducted research on the necessity of electoral reforms in Uganda and the nexus between elections and Uganda’s journey to realizing its development goals.The publication gives a background on the existing policy and legal framework, presents the results of the research, and gives policy recommendations for electoral reforms.

Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.


A Women’s Development Magazine

ARISE magazine features varying issues around women and development in Uganda. Whether women wearing uniform, working as farmers, or holding political offices: We review the trends and challenges women face in Uganda. The magazine has been published in cooperation with Action for Development since 1990.

Reality Check

The series analyses developmental challenges in the political, social and economic sphere in Uganda. The editions examine hot topics of the daily political agenda and undertake a rigorous reality check. Reality Check is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives.

Economic Policy Paper Series

We examine economic issues in Uganda through a policy lens: Which way for Uganda's economic development? Which obstacles does the country face? And how can political players set the course for economic growth? This series crafts policy papers to inform and inspire debates around economic progress in Uganda. The Economic Policy Paper Series is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives. 

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