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Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship

Introduction to Migration and Forced Displacement.

Youth4Policy is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aimed at empowering the next generation of policy experts to meaningfully contribute to policy analysis and public debates. Youth4Policy serves as a capacity development lab for youth leaders from a diverse spectrum of backgrounds such as academia, civil society, and public service with a motivation to research and analyze specific policy questions from a youth perspective. Particularly for the next five years, the fellowship program shall attract young researchers who are interested to study and explore pertinent policy questions around migration and forced displacement issues in Uganda and South Sudan.


An Innovation Fireplace that brought together Ugandan startups and German politicians

Ugandan Startup Ecosystem

On 14th of June, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), together with Media Challenge Initiative (MCI), hosted the Innovation Fireplace: A Panel discussion and exhibition of the Ugandan Startup Ecosystem at MCI Media Hub. More than 30 startup innovators met with a delegation of German Members of Parliament to discuss startup investment, political economy, ease of doing business and to showcase their innovations. The discussion focused on the prospects of Uganda's younger generation for investment and innovation to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Afterwards, the German delegates visited the various exhibition booths and talked to leading young innovators.


Games and Politics

Interactive Exhibition

Games and Politics is a touring exhibition by Goethe Institut that has been travelling around the globe, last stop was Addis Ababa in Ethopia. This year’s edition is being hosted in Kampala (March - May) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan and the Design Hub Kampala. It is based on the exhibition Global Games by the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) in Karlsruhe, Germany, and focuses explicitly on political games created since 2004.

Live stream

2021 Social Media Conference

The Uganda Social Media Conference

We are delighted to announce the 6th Edition of its flagship convening “The Uganda Social Media Conference”. The conference which brings together key stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, and the media for an exchange on the state and impact of social media on society is set to be held virtually in August 2021 on 25th – 26th, at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.


Remembering the construction of the Berlin Wall 60 years ago!

An Event to commemorate the rise & fall of the Berlin Wall.

Together with Goethe Zentrum Kampala (GZK), we are planning to remember the construction of the Berlin Wall, 60 years ago with an ONLINE event under the theme; ‘The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall’. This will take place on 13th August 2021. Visit our social media pages for more updates on the event.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Service User Committee Training - Lira /Gulu /Amuria /Napak

Service delivery in Northern Uganda


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #7

Community Participation in Northern Uganda


District Dialogue - Amuria #3

Public Resources Management in Amuria district


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #6

Community Participation in Northern Uganda

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The Young Leaders Think Tank launches its research topics for 2017

The Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives is a group of highly qualified and committed young Ugandans from varied professional backgrounds. They aim to generate new policy ideas on issues that affect the young people in the country and to enhance youth participation in governance and policy formulation. On the first weekend of March, the Think Tank met for a residential workshop in order to enable a productive start into a new year of research and to broaden its capacity for effective public engagement.


Responsible citizenship, pluralism and cooperation across the political divide

In the second round of “the DNG signature” workshops for local leaders, KAS continues to promote measures aimed at strengthening local leaders in partnership with the Ministry of information, ICT and National Guidance to promote good governance. The workshop series are aimed at breaking the barriers between the elected and appointed leaders at the local level in a bid to smoothen service delivery.

Empowering district councillors to advocate for women's rights

Action for Development and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung facilitated workshops in Pallisa and Apac in order to encourage and empower district leaders to effectively advocate for women’s and girls’ interests in their political work.

“Leadership comes with responsibility, not opportunity” – The Young & Emerging Leaders Fellowship

On 25th-26st of February 2017, the Y&ELP started a fellowship program designed to train values of self-advancement, integrity, social responsibility, and socioeconomic transformation for passionate and young emergent leaders. In a bid to build quality networks of transformative leaders on the continent, the LéO Africa Institute is committed to providing platforms that train and harness ideas in order to stimulate the energy of young and emerging leaders into engines for growth and transformation.

“There is no way Local Governments Officials can run away from Social Media”

Social Media for improved local governance and service delivery in Uganda

Despite closeness to their constituencies which should ensure better service delivery and accountability, local government units in Uganda face a gigantic communication roadblock which makes the concept of citizen-state engagement in the country an illusory catchphrase. This gap presents a unique opportunity to use social media to advance better local governance and better service delivery.


On the 8th of January, an enthusiastic discussion at Busitema University with University students from Eastern Uganda Universities interrogating whether or not political parties are providing the right platform for youth participation in politics started the 2017 Regional Debate Series, a project co-implemented with the University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG).


In recognition of the need to generate new ideas and knowledge and promote conversations on democracy and development in Africa, we are happy to continue our partnership with the University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) in order to support scholarly thoughts and perspectives on these crucial issues. The initiative of the Journal of African Democracy and Development (JADD) is motivated by the need to promote African scholarship by African writers, living and working Africa, to provide a scientific understanding of the patterns and dynamics of democracy and development.



Since decades the region of the East African Community (EAC) deals with massive forced migration and still countries like Uganda remain remarkable liberal in their refugee policies. The “Young Leaders Think Tank on Policy Alternatives Roundtable on Sustainable Economic Approaches to Refugee Policy and Management in Uganda and the Region” met in Protea Hotel, Kampala for a final conclusive meeting in 2016.

Democracy promotion and civic engagement: What have KAS and partners been up to in 2016?

Annual partner workshop gives opportunity to discuss past and future cooperation

What did the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its partners achieve in the year 2016 and what lies ahead in 2017? Which challenges were incurred and how where they overcome? To address those specific questions, KAS together with its partners organized the annual partner workshop to constructively reflect on the 2016 projects and to provide their partner organizations with a platform to get in touch again, as well as exchanging news and ideas. A main objective for the participants was to step out of their individual project bound perspective and to notice the bigger picture of their common work.


Mentoring the Next Generation of Ugandan Journalists

To nurture young professional journalists and reward professional journalistic practices in Uganda, the Media Challenge Initiative yet again organized the fifth series of the Inter-Institutional Media Challenge and Awards Ceremony.